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Edmonton Branding and Tourism strategy

Do people under the age of 55 actually still read Lonely Planet books?

I can honestly say I have never even looked at one. You can usually find more relevant and accurate info searching Google or watching a few YouTube videos on wherever you want to go
Agreed, it's right up there with Dungeons and Dragons - go to page 50 if you enter the dragon's
I considered Lonely Planet my travel bible when I was backpacking in my '20s. I think young backpackers use the lonely planet website.
They should as they are fantastic resources and still very much relevant,
They should as they are fantastic resources and still very much relevant,
Google Maps and Trip Advisor are much more relevant nowadays and are updated instantly, whereas Lonely Planet are updated maybe annually. They were a great resources 5 years ago and previous to that, but not so much anymore.
A blend of their books and online have served me well on many a trip.
Not sure I'd say '2nd best', but paired with the river valley it is quite something for sure.
Wot! Ahead of Canless? That's hard to believe! My psyche is shaken to the core...🤪 (chuckle, chuckle, snarf, snarf)
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The municipalities pay for cameras? If so, let YYC go nuts and camera every intersection.
