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Edmonton Branding and Tourism strategy

I don't think it necessarily has to be the U of A with the architecture school. It can be MacEwan University or another post-secondary educational institution. Or it could be founded by an architect (e.g. Gene Dub, Douglas Cardinal).
She should have talked to 'O... she would then have saved herself the cost of the move in the first place.
So she moved from near Square One, which, if you know the GTA well is kinda like living beside WEM here in Edmonton and far from anything urban, really walkable or 'hip'.

Sounds like she chose somewhere between Ellerslie and 41Ave SW, which, really is made for couples and families.

She did mention Joey (Tomatoes) though, which should have impressed her at SEC and reminder her of SQONE.

I know part of the reason for moving was to get a 'house with a yard', but would her experience have been different if she had moved near the UofA/Whyte, or Downtown and 109st... hmmmmm
This feels like a hit piece. The problem is this individual made some odd choices and didn't do much research, hopefully people read the entire thing and not just the headline to form their opinion.

Yup, she bought a house in the suburbs even though she is 'a major extrovert who goes out three to five nights per week' and moved here without having a job lined up. Both poor decisions imo.
Yeah she made some poor decisions. I know a few people that moved from Toronto and love it here, but these people did their research first.
Also I don't recall Edmonton getting hit with a snowstorm in October, and certainly nothing that stuck around, this year but my memory could have easily blocked that out.
