To "touch" on to the Touch the Water aspect of the Riverside Promenade, once again chiming in from the City to the south with an Edmontonian perspective. I'll remove landscape hurdles (River Vallley is significantly steeper in most spots than Bow). Counter is floodplain issues for Calgary.
-Edmonton central Parks/River Valley = Better overall parks, naturescape,biking, mountain hiking, overall beauty. Recent comments from coworkers visits to Edmonton = so green, so lush, so many trees
-Calgary central parks/River Valley = More accessible, better waterfront, better amenties, better road biking, way more convenient from DT. Some of that is the steepness, but the Bow River Pathway is unparalleled. Office workers, tourists, homeless (
), bikes, tourists (you will hear Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, German, Dutch, etc). Different river/danger level, but on a busy weekend the Bow is literally filled with floats, canoes, paddleboards. Tourists in general in the summer, looking for the Calgary Tower lol!
Point here is despite all the wins for Calgary on dollars & thought put into its riverway, IMO the River Valley in Edmonton still has some of my favorite spots (Emily Murphy, Ledge Grounds, Gov Hills, Queen E, Hawrelak, Laurier & the west side ravines, Gold Bar, Gallaher/Muttart, trails under the U of A. Two primo municipal courses plus accesible Highlands. You add the amazing private golf courses, Whitemud & Blackmud Creek, Hermitage, Ski Hills, Fort Ed, Baseball park, it's wild how much there is to offer.
Seeing the organic success of spots like the landscaped hill on south side of Walterdale and *Ezio Faraone Park, IMO if something ever happens with powerplant land, people will come. Cheers!