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Federal Politics

Interesting fact - It is tradition for the Liberal Party to alternate between francophone and anglophone leaders, dating back to Laurier. Coincidence he's announcing at Laurier Community League?
Interesting - maybe a bit of over analysis? Ha
At same time, Laurier was a notable Liberal PM.
Also, he might have grown up in that area as he went to Francis Xavier High School so that also could be part of of it?
Maybe it’s a matter of thinking that his home riding in Ottawa is still a safe Liberal seat and that Edmonton Center is still a swing riding that would be winnable for him…
I had you BLOCKED but I am thrilled to have read your last few posts. Great entertainment! Keep bringing them! I haven’t laughed so hard in my life. They say laughter is good for the soul… Q
Good for you MacLac - going against your cancel-culture beliefs must have been very hard for you. Weren't you the one who wrote a post about UCP supporters all being dumbass "hillbillies" and then comparing them to "uneducated" Appalaicha people? Trust me - I couldn't care two shites what you think. I have some unfortunate news for you - the worm has turned - the tolerant, patient hard-working tax paying silent majority is fed up and finding its voice - get used to the new normal. Sorry, gotta run - I'm watching the highly educated Ivy League "journalists" from CNN try to blame Trump and "climate change" for burning down LA. Then over to BBC to watch the Oxford and Cambridge journalists blame the mass gang rape of thousands of white school children by Pakistani immigrants on "far right propaganda".
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So climate change green energy fanatic Mark Carney - remember, the guy who said we should stop building pipelines in Canada but was helping to fund pipeline construction in Brazil - will probably win the Liberal leadership race. There is a good chance he will buy-off the self serving champagne socialist Jagmeet Singh and not have an election until October 2026 - and Mark Carney is not elected by the Canadian people. Think about that, whether you are a Liberal, NDP or Conservative supporter think about democracy in the county you love - you will have the Prime Minister of this country, who has incredible power as the PM in the Westminster Parliamentary System, will not be elected by the people. Also, the regulations to join the Liberal Party allow any foreigner over the age of 14 to join the Liberal Party of Canada and directly be a part of selecting the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Think about that - it truly is unbelievable, but believe me there is a very good chance this happens. Buy hey ... Orange Man Bad.
So climate change green energy fanatic Mark Carney - remember, the guy who said we should stop building pipelines in Canada but was helping to fund pipeline construction in Brazil - will probably win the Liberal leadership race. There is a good chance he will buy-off the self serving champagne socialist Jagmeet Singh and not have an election until October 2026 - and Mark Carney is not elected by the Canadian people. Think about that, whether you are a Liberal, NDP or Conservative supporter think about democracy in the county you love - you will have the Prime Minister of this country, who has incredible power as the PM in the Westminster Parliamentary System, will not be elected by the people. Also, the regulations to join the Liberal Party allow any foreigner over the age of 14 to join the Liberal Party of Canada and directly be a part of selecting the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Think about that - it truly is unbelievable, but believe me there is a very good chance this happens. Buy hey ... Orange Man Bad.
Sigh, first of all the liberal party has changed their rules and you have to be a Canadian citizen in order to vote in this race. So calm down about that.

Next you are talking about the transition of power between the leader of the ruling party as if it’s something that has never happened before. It happens all the time, it’s how our parliamentary system works. Convention says they call an election fairly shortly after, even more likely with a minority government.

Why are you so worried about who leads the liberals anyways? If PP is he juggernaut you say he is and the polls are right he’s gonna wipe the earth with whoever is there. Personally I think the liberals time has come, but I also hate that PP is the incoming guy, I want the liberals to select a good leader, I think our democracy thrives when we have strong candidates with a good exchange of ideas for the public to assess. Who wouldn’t want that?
New Regulations

On Jan 1, 2025, the Government of Canada published new regulations in Canada Gazette impacting businesses subject to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act.

Effective Oct 1, 2025:

· New obligations for those providing acquirer services in relation to private ATMs
· Real estate brokers must verify the identity & record info on unrepresented parties in transactions

Businesses will now also be required to report sanctioned property imposed under:
· March 1, 2025: UN Act
· October 1, 2025: Special Economic Measures Act & Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Sigh, first of all the liberal party has changed their rules and you have to be a Canadian citizen in order to vote in this race. So calm down about that.

Next you are talking about the transition of power between the leader of the ruling party as if it’s something that has never happened before. It happens all the time, it’s how our parliamentary system works. Convention says they call an election fairly shortly after, even more likely with a minority government.

Why are you so worried about who leads the liberals anyways? If PP is he juggernaut you say he is and the polls are right he’s gonna wipe the earth with whoever is there. Personally I think the liberals time has come, but I also hate that PP is the incoming guy, I want the liberals to select a good leader, I think our democracy thrives when we have strong candidates with a good exchange of ideas for the public to assess. Who wouldn’t want that?
Yes the PP crew does protest too much. I have never seen an opposition with such a lead so rattled.

They know their big lead is only because the outgoing PM is very unpopular, the CPC leader has never been that well liked and has done little other that offer a few slogans to explain how they would govern.
I honestly don't see how Carney could win, but if his goal is more about "saving the furniture" for the Liberals, well, the party could certainly do worse.

Disagree - I personally think Carney is the Liberals best hope because he`s an outsider. He was never a Liberal MP under the Trudeau regime.
I suppose you never know, but in some situations, even a new face, an outsider, or a "maverick", is simply not enough to cut through the headwinds of the incumbency fatigue that comes with a ~10 year-old government.

WOW! If ever there was an endorsement that could be considered "the kiss of death", this might be the winner.

It almost makes you wonder if Christia was aware this was coming or whether someone in Carney's camp gave that other Randy a contract for supplying medical equipment in exchange for putting it out.

For any candidate looking to present themself as a new fresh start for the Liberal Pary, I can't imagine an endorsement from the previous regime's most obvious sycophant would help their campaign.
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