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Edmonton City Centre Mall (Renovations) | ?m | 2s | LaSalle Investment Management

I think it primarily said the first phase of redevelopment would focus on the west portion of ECC fronting 103 st with more details in the coming months - definitely an exciting and good looking project and huge for the downtown and a much needed and warranted investment.

While I'm not one to like when things are oversold, it seems other cities are more comfortable with such hype even if it's not fully warranted. Is that an Edmonton thing?
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What was the tweet about even??
Ya boy saved it ! Guess it was too exciting
What was the tweet about even??

The tweet said "We are so excited to announce Phase 1 of #ECC’s redevelopment. Designed to be a world class live, work, play, experiential & lifestyle destination. We look forward to sharing more details on our transformation with you in the coming months!" along with a sweet pic of the exterior. But I probably should have read to the end of the thread before posting!
The tweet says "live, work and play"... destination.

I guess 'live' refers to the Hotel portion, but it sure would be nice if there was some residential, too.
Hopefully they take that Live and Play seriously.

I feel malls need enterainment grounds now to increase foot traffic. Slap in housing into that and that foot traffic stays.
Coming back from Vancouver recently I found the "Amazing Brentwood" to be actually amazing.
The 2nd floor outdoor area had light up teeter totters, Starbucks, light up fountain display, music seating everything. It was packed. Would be nice to find something like that here.
Well for plenty who won't travel outside our city limits it makes them feel self important that they got some sort of "world class" something.
I think the words word class are partly to make whomever seem self important - certainty not just people in Edmonton and area. It is used/abused more in some other cities.

Having said that, there is no reason we can not have world class here or aspire to better.

However, I think whether something is world class is ultimately left to the public and customers judgement in the end, not the developers or owners who might want to portray things through overly rosy glasses.
It's too bad you missed it but all you need to know is it was a real world class tweet by ECC on their world class plans for a world class renovation of the mall 😁
There was nothing on any of the corporate websites. Maybe the local social media person got ahead of the corporate planning , and misunderstood the implications of using "world class" ... never over promise and certainly not on a global scale what you will not be delivering on the local level. There is nothing "world class" about the renovation project planned based on the readings floating about.
I feel like all real estate is just exaggerated words. Looking at houses is so obnoxious. First of all, turn off caps lock Deborah... second, this house is 320 in a bad area. Saying it's stunning and spacious is just the wrong selection from your redundant adjective list lol
So are they planning to move the hotel to a new tower on the NW corner of the building and move Landmark to the North Side of the 3rd floor? Does that mean we'll get a "new" Landmark there?

Ideally I woulda really liked them to do something with that parkade that faces Ice District directly (SE corner of 103St/103Ave).
