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SkyriseEdmonton (Site & Forum Discussions and Issues)

@westcoastjos Totally understandable, lots of choices out there. What kind of stuff would you be interested in shooting?
@Daveography Probably a bit of landscape, walk around city, portrait, and concerts. A bit of an all around type of thing. I'm looking between the 24mm Sonarr and 32mm Zeiss Touit. I'm leaning toward the 32mm as a good balance between the two, although the 24mm would be better for landscapes. My Dad has some old school Minolta lenses that I thought I'd just grab an adapter for and use as manuals. I think down the line, I'd want the 16-70 f/4. The speed for low light is the one thing that is keeping me from going straight to the 16-70 f/4.
@westcoastjos Going straight for primes to start, eh? Hardcore. :) The 32 is a 50mm equivilent, so extremely well rounded for most of the stuff you want to do. It will work for landscapes as well, just not quite as well as something wider. I suspect it would do you well enough though.
@westcoastjos Going straight for primes to start, eh? Hardcore. :) The 32 is a 50mm equivilent, so extremely well rounded for most of the stuff you want to do. It will work for landscapes as well, just not quite as well as something wider. I suspect it would do you well enough though.
@Daveography Yep! I quite like the lens. I suppose I should buy a filter for it today as it is quite dusty here. I might wander around DT at lunch today and snap some shots. I realized yesterday looking at the photos that I need to stop down to f/4 or so for buildings, etc. Wide open isn't too sharp for big scenes at all.

I think eventually, I want to either grab the 16-70mm or the 85mm Batis, the latter being a full frame lens, so I think the equivalent is 127.5mm or something like that. I think this is a good lens to start out with though nonetheless!
Current location: The other Ice District.



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Man it's been a quiet week on the construction front. The weather hasn't exactly inspired me to go out for photo updates, either. Supposed to be better next week, at least, and I'm angling for some new tours as well. Still lots of exciting stuff happening and more to come.
Almost time for the tarps and heaters to come out again!

Meanwhile here in Toronto we've got extreme heat alerts in place. 30+ for the last few days. Nope the climate isn't warming...
