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Energy Square
Reference ID:Job No 433159828-002
Description:To add a Specialty Food Service (cafe) with 44.8 m2 of floor area and 16 seats, a 38 m2 gym room accessible only to tenants (a building amenity space), and a conference centre with 124 m2 floor area and 32 seats (a Professional, Financial, Office Support Service), and to construct interior alterations
Location:10550 - JASPER AVENUE NW
Plan NB Blk 5 Lots 131-132
Status:No DP Required
Energy Square
Reference ID:Job No 433159828-002
Description:To add a Specialty Food Service (cafe) with 44.8 m2 of floor area and 16 seats, a 38 m2 gym room accessible only to tenants (a building amenity space), and a conference centre with 124 m2 floor area and 32 seats (a Professional, Financial, Office Support Service), and to construct interior alterations
Location:10550 - JASPER AVENUE NW
Plan NB Blk 5 Lots 131-132
Status:No DP Required
Energy Square has a new owner and the new owner will own and operate the main floor uses, which includes a coffee roastery (I wonder if it's Deville?).
What are the chances of Energy Square reskinning the exterior? I keep getting blinded by the light.
I really feel the need to shame these guys at the Chateau Lacombe. It's coming up on 5 years now!

If the Chateau Lacombe is up for sale sometime soon then I definitely want a competent owner to buy it. If the current owner is a Mike "downtown is dangerous" Nickel supporter then I'm avoiding this hotel like the plague.
Derwas Court (across from Oliver Exchange) is for sale. I really hope someone picks this beauty up and restores her. I can't speak to the condition of the building but I definitely feel like someone could walk away with a bargain here, despite an undeniable need for restoration $. This location is going to be so hawt in 5-10 years and these lofts could go for a small fortune if they're done properly.

