Stationlands Residential Towers | 90m | 25s | Qualico | DIALOG

What do you think of this project?

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I doubt all the towers will be up in the next ten years, so most likely what we see in the rendering will change just as it has when Ken was overseeing the company.
i have no more direct involvement in the project - and haven’t for some time - but the original overall framework and design principles that were put in place remain valid.

firstly, I t’s also worth remembering that over the development timeframe of any project of this magnitude market forces and demand will change which is why we insisted on outright cca zoning and refused to proceed under any form of contract zoning. within that there were some very interesting and lovely proposals for the next office tower, a mixed use hotel at 97th street etc., and combination of which could still proceed whenever/if the demand is sufficient.

secondly, the current residential phase is consistent with those planning principles and objectives which validated many of those original decisions.

thirdly, the project was always intended to be delivered in phases so that development would not outstrip demand. it would be my assumption that breaking the current residential component into two phases allows two things - the completion of infrastructure servicing both phases and exercising some caution regarding how much current demand there is. my guess is that there will be sufficiently strong demand such that there will be a seamless transition between delivering the first phase and moving on to deliver the second.
No, I think that it is a photograph of an actual table model -- not even a digital model.
my money is on this being a purely digital representation:

* there is too much cn tower detail to make sense replicating on an actual table model.
* there is not enough detail even for a block model of the ram.
* the shadowing is representative of digital imaging, not an actual model (there are sharp shadow lines from buildings too far away to be part of any physical model.
* there is too much detail on five future towers and large podium blocks - none of which have been designed - for them to be rendered in an actual table model.
* actual table models are prohibitively expensive at this level of detail and never done based on pure speculation.
* an actual table model large enough to present this much fine grain detail would be too large to be done “in house” and there are few model builders in the country capable of completing work of this scale in this much detail.
my money is on this being a purely digital representation:

* there is too much cn tower detail to make sense replicating on an actual table model.
* there is not enough detail even for a block model of the ram.
* the shadowing is representative of digital imaging, not an actual model (there are sharp shadow lines from buildings too far away to be part of any physical model.
* there is too much detail on five future towers and large podium blocks - none of which have been designed - for them to be rendered in an actual table model.
* actual table models are prohibitively expensive at this level of detail and never done based on pure speculation.
* an actual table model large enough to present this much fine grain detail would be too large to be done “in house” and there are few model builders in the country capable of completing work of this scale in this much detail.

This looks very similar to renderings I've done from sketchup/Revit models through Enscape. If we're making bets that would be mine.

If I may add, the lighting is too artificial as well, but my eyes are not in their 20s , so I could be slightly off there.
Nevertheless, if this whole concept is permanent, to offset the monotonous colors, the third and fourth could have different colors and same as the last two being distinctive from the others, and I will be happy. Everything appears more than adequate IMO.
Forgot I had this one In my phone. Few days old now…
Reference ID:Job No 315143826-040
Description:To construct the onsite portion of an underground pedway connection (from Station Lands Parkade to Station Lands property line: tunnel connects to the City Pedway to leading to Sir Winston Churchill Square).
Location:10423 - 101 STREET NW
Condo Common Area (Plan 1322468)
Status:Intake - Payment Required
Create Date:2023-05-04T14:44:13Z
