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Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

Flair won't be offering business class anytime soon. However I agree that Chicago would be great. The fact that Flair is actually comfortable with operating lower frequency point to point and not building up these fortress connecting hubs like every other airline in Canada opens up so many possibilities for them. I could see Flair be successful at running flights between secondary and tertiary cities in Canada and every major Canadian city on a 1x or 2x week basis. Equally, cities like YEG could see 1-7x weekly service to almost all major US cities (but possibly to secondary airports) and a bunch of secondary US cities. Next up for Flair has got to be Hawaii - that is a huge cost sensitive market they could tap. They could also fly from YEG north and completly disrupt that costly market (although, I am not sure if the operational conditions might be too complex for their low cost model). With B737 max aircraft, near-europe is also doable from certain points in Canada and could benefit from their entry. Going forward from YEG, if I were them I would be looking at Seattle, Oakland, Chicago, Boston, Dallas, Fort Lauderdale, Maui, Honolulu, Portland, Cancun.
Going forward from YEG, if I were them I would be looking at Seattle, Oakland, Chicago, Boston, Dallas, Fort Lauderdale, Maui, Honolulu, Portland.

Almost the same selection I'd go with.

I'd be looking for Portland, Oakland, Honolulu, Chicago, Minneapolis, Austin/Dallas, Fort Lauderdale, NYC (Newark) and Boston.
Potentially stupid question...I know nothing about airlines. What are the chances of a ulcc code share? does it work for low-cost carriers to have a few Key markets from Edmonton and then utilize existing connections from there?

it’s also interesting to see the debate in Europe whether to ban short Hall flights. should Alberta be looking at a high speed rail network as a way to increase flight efficiency?
Potentially stupid question...I know nothing about airlines. What are the chances of a ulcc code share? does it work for low-cost carriers to have a few Key markets from Edmonton and then utilize existing connections from there?

it’s also interesting to see the debate in Europe whether to ban short Hall flights. should Alberta be looking at a high speed rail network as a way to increase flight efficiency?

Low-cost companies do, sometimes, have code-shared flights, but I'll go ahead and say that it is not necessarily a good think for Edmonton and for YEG to have, let's say, Flair, go down that path, at least for now. Not until we have direct flights to some major Midwest and East Coast destinations. It might be good for the airline (depends a lot on their structure and growth plan), but it's terrible for the city. Essentially, this is what happens now, with us needing to change planes in Calgary or Vancouver, for example. Having direct flights makes for shorter trips, benefits the local economy (jobs, revenue and all of that).

As for the short haul flight ban being discussed in Europe, bear in mind that they have a very dense rail network and a culture that is supportive of that mode of transportation. They also have A LOT of 1hr or less flights that travel semi-full, with a HUGE environmental impact (which is a big deal there, not as much here... Sadly).
I do believe HSR would be good for Alberta, overall, but mostly by reducing car trips on QE2, with not as much effect on flights. If anything, my dream would be having HSR going from the northern end of Edmonton Downtown to the Calgary Downtown, stopping only at YEG and Red Deer (and skipping YYC).
Potentially stupid question...I know nothing about airlines. What are the chances of a ulcc code share? does it work for low-cost carriers to have a few Key markets from Edmonton and then utilize existing connections from there?

it’s also interesting to see the debate in Europe whether to ban short Hall flights. should Alberta be looking at a high speed rail network as a way to increase flight efficiency?
Flair does not, to keep costs down. Flair also does not facilitate connections between their own flights. I.e. they only sell non-stops and won't sell a ticket that requires you to connect. At some point in the distant future, I could see Flair selling some connections that go through YEG or other hubs. Getting this developed would be a prerequisite for getting code-shares I would think. Code-shares would help to funnel other airlines' passengers on to Flair's flights and through their hubs (when/if they develop them).
Increasing sun flights and non-stop options to Hawaii from Calgary

As the airline with the most flights this winter from Calgary, WestJet is set to offer non-stop service to 61 destinations from Calgary including 30 domestic, 19 transborder and 12 international destinations from YYC with the addition of the following non-stop flights.

Calgary - Fort Lauderdale
Calgary - Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Calgary - Lihue
Calgary - Kona
WestJet continues to be the Canadian carrier that offers the most flights to Hawaii to the four major islands from Western Canada.

New non-stop sun flights for Winnipeg and Regina connectivity

WestJet is adding non-stop options to Cancun and Orlando with the return of international flights to Winnipeg. The airline will also restore four-times weekly non-stop service between Regina and Winnipeg.

Winnipeg – Cancun
Winnipeg – Orlando
Winnipeg - Regina
Connecting Edmonton and Honolulu non-stop

WestJet will connect guests between Edmonton and Honolulu beginning December 18, 2021. This winter the airline will serve 24 domestic, international and transborder destinations non-stop from Alberta's capital city.

Edmonton – Honolulu, Hawaii

From WestJet's point of view, the hub (Calgary) will get priority, for now. I think, though, that Edmonton should get more destinations in 2022.

Or just keep adding more flights from YYC partially full of YEGers. Hopefully not, especially if we can be filling up a few more of these flights on our own.
Simply presenting comparisons with markets with compete with.

Part of our problem is trying to ignore or not be fully aware of our competition.
I feel sorry for you. You feel compelled to keep promoting other airports and places because you must think that will help Edmonton. It won't. The people who can fix things are at EIA, Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board, Explore Edmonton and the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce. Its most likely that none of these organizations or people involved are reading your posts. Why don't you put your energy into thinking about solutions to help ERAA attract new routes and for the current airlines to grow their services out of Edmonton? Better yet submit to be on the Board of ERAA or invest some time with our new Federal Cabinet Minister and see if there are suggestions that might come forth to involve the Feds with some growth money for routes and more cargo development etc. You were in a great role with the EDBA so know some key players in the community. Use the skills we all know you have and our contacts.
