News   Apr 03, 2020
 8.4K     3 
News   Apr 02, 2020
 9.8K     0 
News   Apr 02, 2020
 3.1K     0 


@Platinum107 @Daveography Thank you both! I'm hoping we get a warm welcome to Holyrood as this will likely be the first multifamily project done by a smaller builder in the area - I wonder how it'll go over.

The Westmount project has had a tough go, we feel bad for moving it along so slowly, there was a serious problem with our window supplier (he never delivered our windows) which held up construction for a well over 3 months. Looking forward to putting down some fresh grass this spring and finally getting that project looking like a finished product!

Coming along well, but I still wish that unit on the end could have been turned to face 79 St.



Project Name : McDougall Hill Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study
Scope: [Green] - The City of Edmonton recently constructed the 100 Street Funicular. The Funicular is located on the east side of where McDougall Hill turns into 100 Street, directly south of the Hotel MacDonald. The Funicular provides access to and from the river valley for pedestrians of all abilities and cyclists. As a result of the Funicular being constructed, there has been an increase in the number of pedestrians and cyclists using the sidewalk on the east side of 100 Street to and from the Funicular. This project will review the feasibility of providing a grade separated the pedestrian access across McDougall Hill, connecting the Funicular to MacDonald Drive and the Heritage Trail.
Asset Type : Transportation
Project Update: The McDougall Hill Pedestrian Bridge feasibility report was received for review in July 2019. Currently, geotechnical investigation is being completed to collect subsurface information along McDougall Hill. Slope monitors will be installed to observe slope movement and groundwater levels on the hill through 2019 and 2020.
Current Phase: Strategy
Approved Budget ($M): [Green] - $0.16M
Project End Date: [Green] - Dec-2019 (Anticipated Completion Date: Dec-2020)
Ward: Ward 06
Contact: Ali Alou
Phone: 780-442-3312

We have bid on the signage portion of the new Costco is being built on stony plain road and 186th street. Should be starting construction soon.
Commercial FinalTo construct a general retail/warehouse sales building, including accessory building (Shore Power enclosure located @ NW corner or property) but does not include interior racking- Costco Wholesale.
