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Just happy to corroborate and confirm that my memory still works (on occasion):)

Thanks for digging that one out too!
Reference ID: Job No 453048996-002
Description: To construct a partial demolition and to remove the approved addition to an existing Mixed Use Commercial Development including parkade and Apartment House building; and to construct interior and exterior alterations (facade improvement) to the building; and to construct exterior alterations to the Site (add five concrete planter and bench seating, remove existing curb stops and to remove one existing tree) - amendment to Development Permit number 450353027-002. (City Square Tower)

Location: 10020 - 103 AVENUE NW
Plan 9624099 Lot 91A
Status: Intake Review
About time:

What's with the giant Oiler on the side of the building? What are they trying to show? A spot for a future mural?
What's with the giant Oiler on the side of the building? What are they trying to show? A spot for a future mural?

Obviously a marketing tactic, seeing that this building is just a short walk to Rogers Place.
Did not see this before I went on my holidays, and someone may have mentioned it. But Arcadas IBI group has moved into a portion of the old Centre Club/Stantec corporate office location.
Erin Ridge is boomin for sure. Has been nice to see some good condo/rental developments happening in St. Albert the last decade or so which was quite rare previous to that.
