Just happy to corroborate and confirm that my memory still works (on occasion)
Thanks for digging that one out too!
Thanks for digging that one out too!
About time:Reference ID: Job No 453048996-002
Description: To construct a partial demolition and to remove the approved addition to an existing Mixed Use Commercial Development including parkade and Apartment House building; and to construct interior and exterior alterations (facade improvement) to the building; and to construct exterior alterations to the Site (add five concrete planter and bench seating, remove existing curb stops and to remove one existing tree) - amendment to Development Permit number 450353027-002. (City Square Tower)
Location: 10020 - 103 AVENUE NW
Plan 9624099 Lot 91A
Status: Intake Review
It's metal panelling for the most part, but really any upgrades to that podium are long overdue and welcome. It'll have to go through EDC at least.I recall this and hope it is not as heavy/cheap looking as these show.
What's with the giant Oiler on the side of the building? What are they trying to show? A spot for a future mural?
Dunno if they have any other projects in the Fort, but comparing the building on the left to the building in the background of this photo, I think this is the same project.