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Mixed-Use infill proposed on 97 Street at 109A Avenue in Chinatown:

10935 97 St. Mixed use EDC submission ALL.pdf - Google Drive (1).png

10935 97 St. Mixed use EDC submission ALL.pdf - Google Drive.png
Sorry if this has been shared already. There's an upzoning application for the SW corner of 124st and 111ave that looks new. Westmount CL just posted about it. I can't find anything other than the map from the rezoning on the city site; no documents or renders or company name. I think the CL must have emailed someone specifically or something to get the image they have.
One interesting thing about this is they're using the CB3 zone and MSO to get the height and reduced setbacks they want instead of an RA9 (less commercial, bigger setbacks) or DC2 (too much of a hassle to get written and approved, i'd assume). anyways, just thought i'd share, if anyone knows who/what this is I am very curious!
^ An empty field and a seniors residence is there right now, this would be a huge improvement.!1sx2jWWJ1PzJqCJl6LAyLc6A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Agreed, good design doesn't have to be expensive, there are ways to build an attractive building keeping costs in check.
I'd be happy just to see more shameless plain-ness, tbh. Better just be plain and bland than whatever this is. (happy for any kind of development in this area, still)
Reference ID:Job No 396333998-002
Description:To construct exterior alterations (facade improvements, addition of bicycle parking and landscaping reconfiguration) and interior alterations to a Mixed-Use Building (Commercial at grade, Residential on Second and Third Floor) (Stovel Block historical building).
Location:10327 - 97 STREET NW
Plan ND Blk 10 Lots 23-24
Status:Intake - More Info Requested
Create Date:5/18/2021 8:47:23 AM
Neighbourhood:BOYLE STREET
Class of Permit:Class B
Work's still yet to start on the exterior renovation of the Stovel Block, but I was able to find a render of what they're proposing to do courtesy of L7 Architecture:
Work's still yet to start on the exterior renovation of the Stovel Block, but I was able to find a render of what they're proposing to do courtesy of L7 Architecture:
It looks great, but it seems to have been scaled back in scope.
Reference Id:Job No 396333998-002
Description:To construct exterior alterations (facade improvements ONLY) to a Mixed-Use Building (Stovel Block historical building).
Location:10327 - 97 STREET NW
Plan ND Blk 10 Lots 23-24
Create Date:2021/05/18
Neighbourhood:BOYLE STREET
Issue Date:2021/08/13
Class Of Permit:Class B
Notification Start Date:2021/08/19
Notification End Date:2021/09/09
