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Federal Politics

So the person who was "actively trying to shut down" the Oil Sands is the same person who opted to forego royalty increases because it would have likely led to a shutdown of overleveraged Oil Sands operations after the price crash, despite the royalty regime still being a joke?
So the person who was "actively trying to shut down" the Oil Sands is the same person who opted to forego royalty increases because it would have likely led to a shutdown of overleveraged Oil Sands operations after the price crash, despite the royalty regime still being a joke?
Once she became the premier she had to change her stance - but whilst she was in opposition she was attending anti-tar sands demonstrations. She's a classic lefty highly "educated" lifelong academic public servant who believes in big government, climate change, high taxes etc etc.
Its interesting how well Trump did with visible minorities in the last election - Hispanic and Asian voters chose him over the Democrats and also had better numbers with black voters then before. He is against "illegal immigration" - so your whole scapegoating ethnic minorities is pure BS. The MSM is owned, and has been owned by lefty political interests for a long time and it is the main reason most citizens in the USA, and increasing Canada have tuned out the MSM. What are CBC's ratings - 3%? So much of what you say is pure nonsense and the painful attempts by people like you and the MSM media to link Trump to "far right Nazi" blah blah blah is laughable - but keep at it - its definitely entertaining.
He literally tried to overturn birthright citizenship. He literally implemented a Muslim ban. He literally made the unfounded belief that Hatians eat cats and dogs a major campaign pillar. He literally purchased a full page ad to call for the execution of 5 men for the crime of...being black?

Scapegoating minorities is this guy's kink.
Once she became the premier she had to change her stance - but whilst she was in opposition she was attending anti-tar sands demonstrations. She's a classic lefty highly "educated" lifelong academic public servant who believes in big government, climate change, high taxes etc etc.
So she led the province in a responsible manner, and in the interest of its citizens, and this offends you why?

It makes sense, if you cape for someone who would shut down a massive alternative energy industry at the expense of Albertans for reasons that her own energy regulator thought were infantile.
So you don't consider any of those descriptions of Hitler as items that, with hindsight, could be seen as red flags?
No - its ridiculous nonsense. As soon as people start calling right of center voters or their leaders in our democratic countries "far right nazis" they reveal their ignorance.

Brilliant and left leaning British historian Professor Richard J. Evans, former Regius Professor at Cambridge when discussing Brexit and comparing the UK to the decline of the Weimar Republic and its overthrow came to the conclusion that the sidelining of the Reichstag was key to the rise of Hitler and Nazi tyranny. Complaining about the proroguing of parliament, he adds that

"There have been signals, too, that a potential vote of no-confidence could be shrugged off with contempt. If that were to happen, parliamentary democracy would truly be in trouble in this country. This is Britain’s Reichstag Fire decree moment."

So can I make an argument that Trudeau and the Liberals are "nazi's"?
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So she led the province in a responsible manner, and in the interest of its citizens, and this offends you why?

It makes sense, if you cape for someone who would shut down a massive alternative energy industry at the expense of Albertans for reasons that her own energy regulator thought were infantile.
Her victory was a one-off that was made possible because many moderate voters in Alberta were rightfully pissed at Alison Redford and Jim Dinning.
He literally tried to overturn birthright citizenship. He literally implemented a Muslim ban. He literally made the unfounded belief that Hatians eat cats and dogs a major campaign pillar. He literally purchased a full page ad to call for the execution of 5 men for the crime of...being black?

Scapegoating minorities is this guy's kink.
all politicians say stupid sh*t during elections - they are doing non-stop interviews and campaigns for months and every word they say is scrutinized - look at all the stupid nonsense that Biden and Harris said. Daniel Smith was lambasted for her "chem trails" comments but look at all the stupid things Trudeau has said. Politics is increassingly polarizing so it makes sense that people will only single out the ridiculous comments from the political people they don't like.
Doesn’t FOX News have comments enabled on their BS stories? Do us all a favour and seek life elsewhere! Go see them and comment on Hannity, Ingraham and Watters articles all you want….too bad Tucker got booted, but I’m sure you can make friends with that fool too

Doesn’t FOX News have comments enabled on their BS stories? Do us all a favour and seek life elsewhere! Go see them and comment on Hannity, Ingraham and Watters articles all you want….too bad Tucker got booted, but I’m sure you can make friends with that fool too!
Wow.....unhinged much?
Sure you’re Canadian😘
So because we have different political opinions I should "do all of us a favour and seek life elsewhere" and you question my Canadian citizenship. I used to only view on this forum because I like to keep-up on what's going on back home. But then several months ago I read one of your awful discriminatory hateful posts about UCP supporters being, according to you, dumbass uneducated rural type hillbilly appalaichan rednecks who can't do simple math. This ridiculous comment motivated me to sign up on this forum and start posting. So ..... thanks MacLac.
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This won't be a popular view on this forum - but the USA is, and has been since WW2, a harbinger for changes in political sentiment and cultural attitudes . Many Canadians feel a certain moral superiority over the USA because elements of American society can be crude and unforgiving - its a more competitive society with less social safety nets, a wider income gap and more urban violence and individualism. But the fact remains the USA is a cultural and economic superpower, with massive soft and hard global power. It's economy is much more innovative and resilient than Canada's economy and its universities and corporations are major brain magnets that draw the most talented people from around the world. The political revolution taking place in the USA will spread to other liberal democracies - it might not be as intense but it will spread. Many people in Europe and Canada yearn for better immigration controls, less crime, less drug issues and more responsible government that focuses on core needs and not grandiose abstract ideals. People on this forum laugh at Musk and DOGE but many many people in Europe and Canada and other areas of liberal democracy will want the same thing - they will want less corruption, less wasteful spending of their tax dollars on things they don't care about or agree with. People want safe cities with a balanced and pragmatic immigration policy that doesn't overwhelm society. People now feel there is too much chaos - and what's happening in the USA will spread. You might not like it but its going to happen.
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^ if you study history's lessons you will find that there is a ping-ponging of outcomes based on perceived conditions on the ground and few -- very few -- understand the importance of taking lessons from the "signs". The U.S. is everything that you say it is but I think you are mistaken about the direction in which it is going. Simple-minded solutions such as is thrust forward by an individual who is the opposite of "curious" is not going to end in a good place. The guy barely reads let alone understands. He reminds me of the bully that we see so often in literature that gathers together an adoring horde of... well let's just call them non-thinkers and storms the town centre wanting to get rid of ____ (fill in the blank). You are certainly entitled to your opinion; I just think it is wrong-headed in terms of expected outcomes,
Its interesting how well Trump did with visible minorities in the last election - Hispanic and Asian voters chose him over the Democrats and also had better numbers with black voters then before. He also had significant support from Muslim voters, many who are also rightfully appalled by the ridiculous hatred towards American Jewish people. He is against "illegal immigration" - so your whole scapegoating ethnic minorities is pure BS. Ironically, the Dems lost so many hispanic and asian voters to the Republicans because these folks are also tired of the over the top gender BS and lack of immigration control. The ivory tower academic "educated" types like to pontificate to the common pleebs about what constitutes a righteous society and talk down to people and tell them how they should think - but basic economic theory reveals letting in too many immigrants drives down wages and most legal immigrants in the USA felt threatened by this - and also I think did not want to be associated with the criminal behaviour of many illegal immigrants. Of course the Dems love identity politics so they just put all the hispanics in one group, all the asians in a group, all the rurals and urbans and "educated" and "deplorables" they all have their special Democrat identify group. The Democrat strategists are so sure of their righteous thought that they failed to realize how simplistic and ignorant they are for not seeing the inner complexities that exist within groups and societies and that most people are more linked by economic status and not cultural background. The MSM is owned, and has been owned by lefty political interests for a long time and it is the main reason most citizens in the USA, and increasing Canada have tuned out the MSM. What are CBC's ratings - 3%? So much of what you say is pure nonsense and the painful attempts by people like you and the MSM media to link Trump to "far right Nazi" blah blah blah is laughable - but keep at it - its definitely entertaining.
I think you could use one of these.
Ah, the old 'compare the person you dislike or disagree with to Hitler'. That's an insult to the 6 million Jews that were slaughtered in Europe. That's an insult to the millions of innocent people that were butchered in WW2.
This is a response to @Whatup saying that its people calling Trump a far-right Nazi is ridiculous. He's literally following the same playbook. I don't think Trump and Hitler are on the same level, but they very clearly have used similar language and tactics in order to gain power. His ideology is very clearly fascist aligned if not just straight up fascist. Looking at historical precedent its a very easy comparison to make.

He's literally calling for the emptying of Gaza (literal genocide, which yes was already occurring but straight out coming and saying you're going to empty it out is calling for genocide out in the open), on top of mass deportations that will almost certainly include placing millions of people in ICE camps pending relocation and I'm sure you've heard the horror stories coming out of those that already exist.

I also want to clarify I don't have a problem with the statement "the government should accept less immigrants" in isolation. In fact I do think there's some truth to the fact that immigration has been a significant driver in increases of costs of living and deflation of wages. I don't think it's the only cause however, and it's certainly not the silver bullet most righties think it is.

The issue is when the anger shifts from the government to the people themselves, which is what politicians like Trump do. They tell you things like "these people are coming for your jobs", "these people are trying to replace you (white supremacist dog whistle)". When the truth is "these people'" are fleeing bad situations and trying to secure a better life for themselves and their families. They're just humans who deserve every bit as much empathy and dignity as any other, natural born or not. Trump and others like him try to strip away the humanity of people fleeing economic hardship, conflict and war in their countries by telling people things like "they're going to eat your pets". It normalizes and actively encourages racism and racist behavior. Trump blames all of America's economic and social problems on immigrants which is just blatantly false. It's also textbook scapegoating.

I also want to comment on the "ivory tower" of academia, which is not entirely untrue, but there are very easy ways to learn a lot in a way that's understandable to the layman. Infact, academia and academic literature is far more accessible that ever thanks to the internet. I am a planning student, but I have developed a good and well rounded understanding of a variety of different scientific and academic fields thanks to the access to information found on the internet as well as from school. That's not to say to trust everything you see on the internet, there's a lot of garbage out there, but you can learn a lot. Fact check, cross reference and check for citations.

The truth is that the peer-reviewed scientific research is the best way we have to determine what is fact and what is fiction. When the alternative is podcast bro's and pundits like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson, I certainly know which source is more reputable.

It is true that there is bad science out there, as anyone can be paid and all research costs money, but if you think critically about these things for more than a second you can generally suss out the trash from the truth. For example: who has more resources to pay scientists, oil companies (literally some of the most wealthy companies and groups on earth), or renewables providers (mid sized companies at biggest)? That tells you everything you need to know about who is trust worthy, and who isn't. People who have money in renewables, don't have the resources to pay scientists anywhere near to the same extent as oil companies, and yet 99% of the research tells us that global warming is real, dangerous and it's already here. And as a young person who's going to have to live through the consequences of the inaction of governments around the world, it is terrifying and causes nothing but pure existential dread.

A great example of an internet source who fact checks and provides citations for literally all his sources is Milo Rossi, or Miniminuteman on Youtube. He rigorously researches everything, cites academic, peer reviewed literature for everything. He only focuses on his field, archaeology, because that is where his expertise is. Most importantly, when confronted with new information that contradicts what he said before, or makes a mistake, he owns up to it and makes sure to correct it. He makes academic literature and concepts digestible to a layman audience, and notably is a major advocate for eliminating the "ivory tower" aspects of science and academia. He's far from the only one like this, but he's probably one of the biggest and most entertaining.

Every method of research and information gathering has issues, but at least scientific research is somewhat accountable to the truth, unlike internet pundits who just spew whatever pops into their head for clicks and views. Citations and peer-review are not perfect but they are something.

I'm not interested in continuing this discussion as I have better things to do with my time. I would encourage you to look critically at the things people like Trump and Danielle Smith say and do, and make an actual effort to do some research into topics instead of spewing whatever talking points are brought up on FOX News or Rebel Media.
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