Ah, the old 'compare the person you dislike or disagree with to Hitler'. That's an insult to the 6 million Jews that were slaughtered in Europe. That's an insult to the millions of innocent people that were butchered in WW2.
This is a response to
@Whatup saying that its people calling Trump a far-right Nazi is ridiculous. He's literally following the same playbook. I don't think Trump and Hitler are on the same level, but they very clearly have used similar language and tactics in order to gain power. His ideology is very clearly fascist aligned if not just straight up fascist. Looking at historical precedent its a very easy comparison to make.
He's literally calling for the emptying of Gaza (literal genocide, which yes was already occurring but straight out coming and saying you're going to empty it out is calling for genocide out in the open), on top of mass deportations that will almost certainly include placing millions of people in ICE camps pending relocation and I'm sure you've heard the horror stories coming out of those that already exist.
I also want to clarify I don't have a problem with the statement "the government should accept less immigrants" in isolation. In fact I do think there's some truth to the fact that immigration has been a significant driver in increases of costs of living and deflation of wages. I don't think it's the only cause however, and it's certainly not the silver bullet most righties think it is.
The issue is when the anger shifts from the government to the people themselves, which is what politicians like Trump do. They tell you things like "these people are coming for your jobs", "these people are trying to replace you (white supremacist dog whistle)". When the truth is "these people'" are fleeing bad situations and trying to secure a better life for themselves and their families. They're just humans who deserve every bit as much empathy and dignity as any other, natural born or not. Trump and others like him try to strip away the humanity of people fleeing economic hardship, conflict and war in their countries by telling people things like "they're going to eat your pets". It normalizes and actively encourages racism and racist behavior. Trump blames all of America's economic and social problems on immigrants which is just blatantly false. It's also textbook scapegoating.
I also want to comment on the "ivory tower" of academia, which is not entirely untrue, but there are very easy ways to learn a lot in a way that's understandable to the layman. Infact, academia and academic literature is far more accessible that ever thanks to the internet. I am a planning student, but I have developed a good and well rounded understanding of a variety of different scientific and academic fields thanks to the access to information found on the internet as well as from school. That's not to say to trust everything you see on the internet, there's a lot of garbage out there, but you can learn a lot. Fact check, cross reference and check for citations.
The truth is that the peer-reviewed scientific research is the best way we have to determine what is fact and what is fiction. When the alternative is podcast bro's and pundits like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson, I certainly know which source is more reputable.
It is true that there is bad science out there, as anyone can be paid and all research costs money, but if you think critically about these things for more than a second you can generally suss out the trash from the truth. For example: who has more resources to pay scientists, oil companies (literally some of the most wealthy companies and groups on earth), or renewables providers (mid sized companies at biggest)? That tells you everything you need to know about who is trust worthy, and who isn't. People who have money in renewables, don't have the resources to pay scientists anywhere near to the same extent as oil companies, and yet 99% of the research tells us that global warming is real, dangerous and it's already here. And as a young person who's going to have to live through the consequences of the inaction of governments around the world, it is terrifying and causes nothing but pure existential dread.
A great example of an internet source who fact checks and provides citations for literally all his sources is Milo Rossi, or Miniminuteman on Youtube. He rigorously researches everything, cites academic, peer reviewed literature for everything. He only focuses on his field, archaeology, because that is where his expertise is. Most importantly, when confronted with new information that contradicts what he said before, or makes a mistake, he owns up to it and makes sure to correct it. He makes academic literature and concepts digestible to a layman audience, and notably is a major advocate for eliminating the "ivory tower" aspects of science and academia. He's far from the only one like this, but he's probably one of the biggest and most entertaining.
Every method of research and information gathering has issues, but at least scientific research is somewhat accountable to the truth, unlike internet pundits who just spew whatever pops into their head for clicks and views. Citations and peer-review are not perfect but they are something.
I'm not interested in continuing this discussion as I have better things to do with my time. I would encourage you to look critically at the things people like Trump and Danielle Smith say and do, and make an actual effort to do some research into topics instead of spewing whatever talking points are brought up on FOX News or Rebel Media.