Developer: Lighthouse Hospitality Management
Architect: Davignon Martin Architecture + Interior Design
Address: 10201 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail), Residential (Market-Rate Rental)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 325 ft / 99.06 mStoreys: 23 storeys
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Peak Tower | 99.06m | 23s | Lighthouse HM | Davignon Martin

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C.2. Enbridge Tower (Development Permit)
Maria Spengler - Davignon Martin
MOVED: R. Labonte

Motion to table

SECONDED: M. Figueira

As determined by the Edmonton Design Committee at the meeting on March 12, 2019,
the project has been tabled as a number of items were deficient or require further
resolution. The Committee generally supports the adaptive reuse of this iconic building;
however, the package and presentation did not clearly communicate the current iteration
of the design to a level of refinement expected of a formal development permit
● The tower top is unresolved relative to glazing, materiality, design detail, signage and
● Please confirm how the auxillary loading space on 102 Street is to function.
● No information has been provided on the screening of the mechanical units on the
podium roof
● More information on lighting, particularly at street level, is required; eg. location,
type, colour, mounting / integration with facade.
● The submission lacked a physical material sample board. As a result, the Committee
was not able to understand the material quality of proposed finishes. Furthermore,
the submission package did not include annotated, colour renderings - it was therefore
difficult for the Committee to adequately evaluate the proposed design in this regard.
● No information was provided on the south (lane) elevation. All elevations (including
tower and tower top) should be illustrated and annotated in the manner included in the
● It is the understanding of the Committee that the streetscape will be addressed
through a separate permit process; the Committee therefore requires confirmation that
this submission will also be reviewed by EDC.
Furthermore, the Committee notes that this project could have benefitted from an
Informal Pre-Consultation, and encourages the Applicant to take advantage of this
opportunity for future projects.


FOR THE MOTION: R. Labonte, W. Sims, T. Antoniuk, S. Kaznacheeva, A. Zepp, D.
Brown, J. Mills, M. Figueira, D. Deshpande
In more ways than one is there concept confusing. Strike it up (perhaps) to unfamiliarity with the daunting processes to get a concept through the City bureaucracy and to the fact that these seem to be novice developers.
I presume interior work is occurring with this, because nothing has happened outside or at the lobby level lately.
