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Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

thenoflyzone is offline

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^ Funding for airport maintenance/upgrade to critical infrastructure most likely.

Runway/taxiway repaving, lighting upgrades, electrical work, installation of RESA (runway end safety areas) etc.

They made a similar announcements to YQR recently. And have been making these announcements at airports across the country the last couple of years.

Don't forget Transport Canada owns all these airports. The airport authorities are simply operating them and paying rent. With their revenues in the gutter, TC is making sure they have money to spend for the upkeep of their airports when it comes to critical infrastructure.

YEG received about $25 million last year as well. This will probably be a top up, with 1 or 2 more projects added to the list.
thenoflyzone is offline

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^ Funding for airport maintenance/upgrade to critical infrastructure most likely.

Runway/taxiway repaving, lighting upgrades, electrical work, installation of RESA (runway end safety areas) etc.

They made a similar announcements to YQR recently. And have been making these announcements at airports across the country the last couple of years.

Don't forget Transport Canada owns all these airports. The airport authorities are simply operating them and paying rent. With their revenues in the gutter, TC is making sure they have money to spend for the upkeep of their airports when it comes to critical infrastructure.

YEG received about $25 million last year as well. This will probably be a top up, with 1 or 2 more projects added to the list.

$10.4MM for IT, security and COVID testing.......Yawnnnnnnnn.........🥱

Quite the underwhelming announcement. I guess governments have to parade these but was an on-site announcement with multiple ministers necessary? Just send the cheque in the mail.
Here’s another example of YEG’ers padding YYC’s stats: last Wed flight from YVR (WJ) to YYC with a connection to YEG. Maybe 10 people on the YVR>YYC flight 738 (company booked). YYC>YEG - 100 % packed Q400!! And only flight out of their sub par B gates. Yet, every single flight I’ve taken direct to YEG from YVR….have been 100% packed! On all 4 airlines…Inc Swoop out of YXX in the last 15 months

Btw, YYC is easily 2X as big as necessary. I wonder how they’re liking their 52M/monthly interest payments on their new terminal?
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Full Details of Swoop's New Domestic Routes

Start Date Total one-
way fare
Taxes and
Fees (CAD)
Hamilton to Charlottetown4x weeklyMay 1, 2022$49.00$1.29$47.71
Edmonton to Halifax5x weeklyMay 1, 2022$179.00$118.40$60.60
Toronto to Charlottetown3x weeklyMay 2, 2022$59.00$5.14$53.86
Hamilton to Moncton4x weeklyMay 9, 2022$79.00$27.84$51.16
Toronto to Saint John4x weeklyMay 12, 2022$59.00$5.14$53.86
Hamilton to Deer Lake2x weeklyMay 21, 2022$59.00$9.23$49.77
Hamilton to St. John's 5x weeklyJune 13, 2022$99.00$45.54$53.46
Winnipeg to Saskatoon2x weeklyJune 14, 2022$59.00$3.12$55.88
Winnipeg to Regina2x weeklyJune 16, 2022$59.00$3.12$55.88
Winnipeg to Ottawa4x weeklyJune 19, 2022$65.00$6.83$58.17
Halifax to OttawaDailyJune 19, 2022$60.00$0.10$59.90
Edmonton to Charlottetown2x weeklyJune 19, 2022$179.00$118.40$60.60
Toronto to Deer Lake2x weeklyJune 20, 2022$99.00$40.54$58.46
Toronto to WinnipegDailyJune 20, 2022$69.00$13.99$55.01
Edmonton to Moncton2x weeklyJune 20, 2022$179.00$118.40$60.60
Toronto to Regina2x weeklyJune 22, 2022$59.00$19.12$39.88
Toronto to Saskatoon2x weeklyJune 22, 2022$69.00$25.64$43.36

†Special introductory fares are limited quantity. Book by February 23, 2022 for travel between June 1 and July 15, 2022.

JakeLRS on SSP reporting:


"New" routes from Swoop
translation: routes that will put flair out of business

Burbank 3x weekly starts 23JUN22

Nashville 2x weekly starts 19JUN22

San Francisco 4x weekly starts 06JUN22

Flair set to announce new routes tonight/tomorrow as well, it seems like we'll get Anchorage service back.
I wouldn’t touch Swoop with your D$&k. All it does is feed the Westjet coffers in YYC with their all-you-can-eat buffet of destinations out of their hub! So they can keep us YEG’ers packed like sardines in their crappy Q400’s -14X daily to put bums in their seats that no one in their own city wants to fly…..this makes me MAD!!!!
I mean, I'll take the extra capacity for YEG, but is someone at the Competition Bureau watching this? This looks so anti-competitive from Swoop/WestJet. Not like there aren't other destinations from YEG they could open if they were so inclined. Instead they go after only those routes Flair has opened up.
I mean, I'll take the extra capacity for YEG, but is someone at the Competition Bureau watching this? This looks so anti-competitive from Swoop/WestJet. Not like there aren't other destinations from YEG they could open if they were so inclined. Instead they go after only those routes Flair has opened up.
Swoop's plan is to get everyone flying on their route option instead of Flair, forcing Flair to eventually cancel that route due to it being unsustainable, after which Swoop will cancel those routes as well...
