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Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

United has decided to defend their turf against Westjet at ORD. I’m betting United will win this contest.
I've been clamouring for United to bring Chicago and Houston. This is HUGE news. While it is great that WJ is doing Chicago as well, United is more important due to it being a major hub. Hopeful ridership is huge and we get daily Chicago and Houston.

We would have a lot of the major hubs covered with this announcement.
I've been clamouring for United to bring Chicago and Houston. This is HUGE news. While it is great that WJ is doing Chicago as well, United is more important due to it being a major hub. Hopeful ridership is huge and we get daily Chicago and Houston.

We would have a lot of the major hubs covered with this announcement.

I will be surprised if that much capacity on the same days/times for 3 days/week survives. If the two flights were on opposite days, that would be more beneficial for Edmonton as it's more choice of flights.
Hope I'm wrong.
Why is United retaliating? This is a flight that they were not previously offering. So if WJ offers it, why is that a threat to them?

United is defending its Hub from WestJet at Chicago ORD. Both announced it with similar departures /arrival times on the YEG-ORD-YEG route both directions.

Although I’m guessing WestJet’s YEG- ORD will be a (spring/summer seasonal) route similarly to WS’s Calgary YYC -ORD. (If American Airlines decided to run YYC - ORD year round- WS would defend its YYC hub too & run it year round as well), currently both AA & WS on the YYC-ORD-YYC resumes mid February 2025 around the same time & with United already doing that route✅.

United will probably be the only one doing YEG-ORD in next Winter✅.
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I will be surprised if that much capacity on the same days/times for 3 days/week survives. If the two flights were on opposite days, that would be more beneficial for Edmonton as it's more choice of flights.
Hope I'm wrong.

Very true and similar Departure/ Arrival times on Edmonton YEG- Chicago ORD- YEG for both airlines✈️.

I guess WestJet will (eventually) change their timing on it to avoid a direct head on competition with United & but the operating days will probably remain the same as they’re competing.
United has decided to defend their turf against Westjet at ORD. I’m betting United will win this contest. View attachment 613980
On Edmonton YEG- Chicago ORD-YEG route United probably will & then likely WestJet decides to make YEG - ORD a (Spring/Summer seasonal) service. I’m guessing that’s how it will go? Will see eventually.

As WestJet is more likely to keep its Calgary YYC - ORD route nonstop around, as they’re defending its hub/ keeping American Airlines at bay on the YYC- ORD. United already won contest on YYC- ORD as its year round daily✅!
I've been clamouring for United to bring Chicago and Houston. This is HUGE news. While it is great that WJ is doing Chicago as well, United is more important due to it being a major hub. Hopeful ridership is huge and we get daily Chicago and Houston.

We would have a lot of the major hubs covered with this announcement.

Bring back non-stop flights to LHR and LGA and I'll be content.
