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Applications to open a cannabis store and an application to open a Real Canadian Liquor Store were both refused permits on Block BG this past month.
Real Canadian Liquor Store has now been approved as of July.
Applications to open a cannabis store and an application to open a Real Canadian Liquor Store were both refused permits on Block BG this past month.
The Banquet will have a bowling alleyHow about a bowling alley? Downtown Edmonton needs more entertainment options, and this is one of them.
I mean, a liquor store and pharmacy *could* make for a good time... just not for the crowds we want to attract.Well considering we have three banks, a grocery store, a liquor store, and a pharmacy, theres not much that seems entertaining about that.
What you do is put in those places people who are willing to pay the rent.It's a private development that has missed the mark on more than one occasion and continues to make decisions to deviate from its original vision/intention.
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You don't put a liquor store or giant pharmacy/convenience into an area that you want to be pedestrian driven, entertainment focussed and a gathering place.