Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

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I don't know what to make of the Keg, first given they gave up a good spot near Whyte Ave. Also, not to start an age debate (I am past half a century myself), but the crowd there did seem noticeably on the older side.

I don't know if that was just that location or perhaps the best days are in the past for the Keg.
Not to say you are old, but what do you think bar hopping references in the Ice District is about? It is not us mid-lifers which was why I stated what other entertainment values are there for families, non-drinkers or mid-lifers. THEY DEFINITELY HAVE EVERYTHING DOWN PACT FOR THE YOUTHFUL CROWD TO BAR HOP.
Not to say you are old, but what do you think bar hopping references in the Ice District is about? It is not us mid-lifers which was why I stated what other entertainment values are there for families, non-drinkers or mid-lifers. THEY DEFINITELY HAVE EVERYTHING DOWN PACT FOR THE YOUTHFUL CROWD TO BAR HOP.
All I was saying was the Keg might not be the best fit based on what I saw when I regularly went by the now gone Whyte Ave location. Sorry that is somehow so upsetting.
Not to say you are old, but what do you think bar hopping references in the Ice District is about? It is not us mid-lifers which was why I stated what other entertainment values are there for families, non-drinkers or mid-lifers. THEY DEFINITELY HAVE EVERYTHING DOWN PACT FOR THE YOUTHFUL CROWD TO BAR HOP.
Wow you easily get upset, or you just really like using capital letters. Either way, weird.
Capital letter was making a statement what they have achieved so far, and I'm not upset about it. Lets not ASS/U/ME now...
Not to say you are old, but what do you think bar hopping references in the Ice District is about? It is not us mid-lifers which was why I stated what other entertainment values are there for families, non-drinkers or mid-lifers. THEY DEFINITELY HAVE EVERYTHING DOWN PACT FOR THE YOUTHFUL CROWD TO BAR HO
Thats why I like Coliseum Steak & Pizza - casual, serves all demographics, simply prepared food and how about the steaks and honking big beef ribs - yum yum!!
Best charbroiler on the entire planet! Don’t forget about the old school baked potato condiment caddy…….now I’m craving their steak and spaghetti w/ meat sauce
DOSC's dry aged are very good, but can get pricey. I quite enjoy sharing steaks with sides and nice wine there though, but I'll put the CS+P's 16oz T-bone for $39 up against anything in the city.
DOSC is a far more complete offering and much different crowd.

CHOP is a different demographic and experience.

Atlas - is that even open anymore?

Lux - different market.

Ruths - higher end and more out of town tourists or special occasion
DOSC will have no issue at all. One of the few places in summer that consistently had the patio full on Saturday and Sunday mornings for all the "Sober Cats" if you will.
