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Alberta Politics


I wonder what the odds are of my negotiating a contract with the provincial government that will let me keep the interest on $42 million while we decide what it is I’m going to sell them for that much money?


I wonder what the odds are of my negotiating a contract with the provincial government that will let me keep the interest on $42 million while we decide what it is I’m going to sell them for that much money?

The odds are probably better if you have tickets for Oilers game, invite cabinet ministers, the Premier's staff and others.

If you are worrying about this being embarrassing when it comes out, I believe they have been working on changing the rules to try keep it secret.
The UCP actually loves red tape when it comes to industries and people that its activist base dislikes.
A party that is Free Enterprise only on M W and F, does not deserve to claim it is free enterprise.

I feel the current bunch in our government is trying to set us up to be an island of fossil fuel resistance while the rest of the world moves ahead. This may be comforting in the short run to some, but will not serve our economy well in the long run, if we become an economic backwater reliant on industries of the past.

So I suppose it is consistent they also want more coal mines. They seem to aspire to the economic model and success of West Virginia. We are governed now by a very small minded and petty bunch.
Let's not forget uneducated too! They want all Albertans to depend on social media gossip for news.
But of course that the best policy. The Mainstream Media would never tell me the truth about 15 minute cities, vaccines, trans people, chemtrails, or the glory of fossil fuels!
Let's not forget uneducated too! They want all Albertans to depend on social media gossip for news.
Yes, keeping people poor, uneducated and backwards seems to have worked very well for certain politicians in the US and elsewhere. For the younger ones now they even have social media that is becoming like Fox News.

We don't have quite the same in Canada, but you couldn't truthfully claim that Postmedia is very liberal.
