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Alberta Politics

Maybe the $250 from the Feds will help cover increased auto insurance here in Alberta. I recall not too long ago, just before our provincial election Smith was handing out money temporarily to some (but not all) people too.

So, it was ok then, but now conservatives are calling it trickery.
Province cutting photo radar locations by 70%.

Will put us in line with number of sites as Ontario.

Moving forward, the focus will be on school, playground and construction sites for photo radar.

I don't like photo radar as traffic safety measure and agree that it is primarily a cash cow, but I highly doubt that this action has anything to do with either of those two things. This is about implementing a provincial police force in the big munis.
Apparently Ol’ Danny thinks Trump is “hilarious.” - according to a speech she gave on Wed. This when he quibbled that CAN could become the 51st State…..that’s funny to her…..that’s our Premiere…..
Apparently Ol’ Danny thinks Trump is “hilarious.” - according to a speech she gave on Wed. This when he quibbled that CAN could become the 51st State…..that’s funny to her…..that’s our Premiere…..
oh for gawds sake. Of course it's funny. It's been a joke for decades. Are you only pissed because our PM said it ?
oh for gawds sake. Of course it's funny. It's been a joke for decades. Are you only pissed because our PM said it ?
I’m pissed that Danny thinks Trump is “hilarious.” Of course she does, cause all of her and flat earth-central Albertan supporters think the same thing. Wait what? I can’t remember a President of the US ever joke about that and I go back to the Regan years….
From CTV:

An Alberta government bill proposing changes to freedom of information rules has passed third and final reading in the legislature despite the province's information and privacy watchdog warning they will "significantly degrade" transparency.

Those new exemptions include any document created by or for the premier, government ministers or the provincial Treasury Board, including correspondence like emails.

Additional exemptions include documents containing background and factual information used in behind-the-scenes policy and legislation development, and communication between political staff and government ministers.

Last month, Alberta's information and privacy commissioner Diane McLeod sent a letter to Service Alberta Minister Dale Nally outlining more than two dozen concerns she had about the bill.
There's no way to justify these moves in good faith. The only reason to do this is to reduce criticism and hide questionable/ corrupt actions, and allow them to lie about what internal studies have found.

They have already had multiple correspondence publicized showing that their policy direction is at odds with their studies and findings, and this will allow them to better hide them doing that.
