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The Edmonton Method - Snow Removal

Paths still not cleared today in the SW. According to the snow clearing map, almost all the neighbourhoods have been done, and the arterials/continuous paths (eg Malmo to South Campus, 121 St) have been left for last, seemingly. Who makes these decisions? :rolleyes: Some bus stops along 111 St are completely snowed in/inaccessible.

Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 8.37.33 PM.png
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Paths still not cleared today in the SW. According to the snow clearing map, almost all the neighbourhoods have been done, and the arterials/continuous paths (eg Malmo to South Campus, 121 St) have been left for last, seemingly. Who makes these decisions? :rolleyes: Some bus stops along 111 St are completely snowed in/inaccessible.

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Where is this map found sorry?
I started a map hoping it could be a crowd sourced bike snow clearing map, since the City of Edmonton map isn't great. If you'd like to collaborate, that would be amazing. :) My plan is to turn it all black (no data) during a significant snowfall, and then turn it yellowish green if the city claims they cleared it, red if visually verified not cleared, yellow if visually verified partially cleared or done but with hazards, and green if visually verified cleared. It's meant to help cyclists decide whether they can ride or not, and what deviations to make to their usual routes if they do.

How are there serious windrows still along major arterials and some of the busier streets in central Edmonton?
They usually don't clear the windrows on 95th street until you either can't pass a bus that is pulled in to a stop or the windrow is as high as the side mirrors on the cop cars.
One frustration for me is sidewalks around schools. If there is a snow storm on a Friday afternoon or evening, and even if no snow the rest of the weekend, seems most times no sidewalks get cleared. And being in the middle of most communities it provides a big barrier to anybody with mobility issues. Is there a reason school boards seem to get a pass on the 24 hour snow clearing time line? Or is it that since the city slacks as well, everyone else can too.
One frustration for me is sidewalks around schools. If there is a snow storm on a Friday afternoon or evening, and even if no snow the rest of the weekend, seems most times no sidewalks get cleared. And being in the middle of most communities it provides a big barrier to anybody with mobility issues. Is there a reason school boards seem to get a pass on the 24 hour snow clearing time line? Or is it that since the city slacks as well, everyone else can too.
I have noticed the same, surprising given that sidewalks around a school would be well used.
MUPs and roads are unbikeable currently if they weren’t cleared down to pavement yet.

This is why bikeways and slow streets don’t work for biking unless a duplicate to a true AAA route that’s separated and cleared.

The warm weather after bigger dumps is a disaster for us since we never remove snow quickly enough. How are main streets doing?
MUPs and roads are unbikeable currently if they weren’t cleared down to pavement yet.

This is why bikeways and slow streets don’t work for biking unless a duplicate to a true AAA route that’s separated and cleared.

The warm weather after bigger dumps is a disaster for us since we never remove snow quickly enough. How are main streets doing?
Yeah, the freeze-thaw cycle, not the cold, is the worst part of winter cycling for me.

If neighborhood side streets are a slushy mess, I'll just ride carefully on the sidewalks (of course, slowing down for anybody walking, or hopping onto the road for a bit). People have been pretty good at clearing their walks, at least in the last few weeks. It really is frustrating to see roads down to bare pavement while some MUPs and city-cleared walks are impossible to ride or walk on. And random snow clearing that just ends arbitrarily at some points.

Unfortunately, if you were in a wheelchair or had some other mobility aid and needed to cross a street, you're pretty much SOL.
