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Past Vs Present


I forgot Victoria Park Road didn't go all the way up yet. but into the parking area for La Marchand Mansion.
I put a few pics of the streetcar system on Wiki Commons. Here are some of my personal favourites:






The last two pictures show Streetcar #12, which was involved in a collision in 1930, which killed its Motorman (Clarence Ostrander). The last picture was taken just one year before the accident.
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Aerial view of Downtown Edmonton 1970

This is my favorite photo of 'old' downtown Edmonton. The AGT Towers at top center (now ATB Financial and Telus House) are complete, Edmonton House at top right is under construction as is the James MacDonald Bridge on the North Saskatchewan River. The old post office with it's iconic clock tower is still there on 100th Street as is the shopping district along 101st Street with Woodward's, Eaton's, the Metropolitan and SS Kresge's department stores. The WW Arcade hardware store is visible at the top of 97th Street at upper left and the Dreamland Theater just across Jasper Avenue. Memories..
Yup the old garbage incinerator. The ski jump is still there in that photo. Still lots of buildings along Jasper where the convention centre is now. The Teglar and the old court house as well.
Woodwards and Eatons are there. There is no Art Gallery, Winspear, or Citadel (actually the former Citadel was still in operation). There is no Edmonton Plaza Hotel (the name at the time it was built); there is no Convention Centre; none of the Oxford Development buildings are built; the old City Hall still exists; Winston Churchill Square was barren... what a dramatic change in 52 years!!! That's what I am talking about -- young City growing quickly. The future for Edmonton is hyper-positive!
