Lending credence to them moving out of the Horne & Pitfield building, it looks like Affordable Storage has already chosen a new location, as they're going to EDC on Dec. 1:
B.3. 17:30 Affordable Storage - 10555 – 116 Street NW (Development Permit)
Svetlana Kaznacheeva - Riddell Kurczaba
The new Affordable Storage will be 5 storeys and looks quite decent for a storage building (metal cladding and glass facade) and murals on the north and south concrete walls.
@Whyte Haven't heard anything, but looks like 10424, 10428, and 10434 are all set for demolition. The sites are all RA7, so max height 16m or about 4 stories.
@Whyte Haven't heard anything, but looks like 10424, 10428, and 10434 are all set for demolition. The sites are all RA7, so max height 16m or about 4 stories.
Looks like there is some activity at the SW corner of 70th ave and 109 street after sitting empty for quite a while. Fenced off with a site office and some excavation going on