B.4. 19:00 Forged By Fire Crossfit (Development Permit)
7371 104 Street NW
Dan McKinnon - Superior Buildings
MOVED: C. Craig
Motion of Non-support
While the Committee is generally supportive of the intent of the project, the proposed design does not meet basic tenets of good urban design practice or key policies contained in the Strathcona Junction Area Redevelopment Plan related to building design.
The Committee notes:
● That the proposed architectural design of the building appears very generic, missing the opportunity to explore an architectural vocabulary which better reflects the industrial character and history of the area. The building as proposed in the submission package is not consistent with the notion of ‘colourful’ and ‘striking’ as communicated in the presentation.
● Clear glazing should be maximized in order to create active frontages, and at the same time better promote the business. The street frontage, particularly along University Avenue, would be further activated through the incorporation of an entrance door.
● Proposed access from University Avenue to the main door is poor.
● Proposed bike parking is poorly sited, has poor access and lacks shelter.
● The area on the east side of the building adjacent to the lane is poorly resolved given the future imperative to redevelop the lane.
● The proposed landscape treatment along 104 Street does not create adequate screening of the parking area, and more continuous landscaping is encouraged.
● The submission package contains inconsistent information, therefore making an appropriate assessment difficult. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that this project should return for an informal pre-consultation following these revisions.
FOR THE MOTION: R. Labonte, C. Craig, T. Antoniuk, D. Deshpande, S. Kaznacheeva, A. Rowe, A. Zepp
This is the location and existing building: