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Thanks @westcoastjos for the supportive comment. I have been knee-deep in a complete redesign of the West Rossdale area for a client to be named later -- very exciting project; very large scale (in the $2.5 Billion range); details to be released later this month.
Proposed rezoning in river valley for solar farm
February 6, 2018

Citizens are invited to an open house about a proposed rezoning at the E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plant site (16910 - 35 Avenue NW, 16850 & 16880 - Anthony Henday Drive NW) in the river valley for a solar farm.

Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Time: 6 - 8 p.m. (drop-in, no scheduled presentation)
Location: Good Shepherd Elementary School Gymnasium, 18111-57 Avenue NW

The proposed rezoning of the site from a Metropolitan Recreation Zone (A) to a Public Utility Zone (PU) would allow for the development of a solar farm that would primarily power the EPCOR E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plant. Amendments to the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) would also be required to support proposed rezoning.

The open house will be an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and provide your feedback to the City and applicant. Feedback will be summarized in a report to City Council for a final decision on the proposed rezoning.

For more information:

Media contact:
Karen Burgess
Communications Advisor
Urban Form & Corporate Strategic Development

No, @Daveography, not those guys -- word is that DC is hot in the running for HQ II; they have already written Big E out of consideration. I never thought that Edmonton had much of a chance there < 1%. When you think about Amazon's business interests (not their tech side) they would want to be in the middle of a sizable population market -- East Coast, SoCal, maybe Texas? Guess again.
Proposed rezoning in river valley for solar farm
February 6, 2018

Citizens are invited to an open house about a proposed rezoning at the E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plant site (16910 - 35 Avenue NW, 16850 & 16880 - Anthony Henday Drive NW) in the river valley for a solar farm.

Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Time: 6 - 8 p.m. (drop-in, no scheduled presentation)
Location: Good Shepherd Elementary School Gymnasium, 18111-57 Avenue NW

The proposed rezoning of the site from a Metropolitan Recreation Zone (A) to a Public Utility Zone (PU) would allow for the development of a solar farm that would primarily power the EPCOR E.L. Smith Water Treatment Plant. Amendments to the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) would also be required to support proposed rezoning.

The open house will be an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and provide your feedback to the City and applicant. Feedback will be summarized in a report to City Council for a final decision on the proposed rezoning.

For more information:

Media contact:
Karen Burgess
Communications Advisor
Urban Form & Corporate Strategic Development


Apparently I'm not the only one that things this isn't a good use of river valley land.

‘Go elsewhere’: Epcor's 23-hectare river valley solar farm plan faces stiff opposition

Citizens asked to weigh in on proposed solar farm in Edmonton river valley

B.4. 19:00 Forged By Fire Crossfit (Development Permit)
7371 104 Street NW
Dan McKinnon - Superior Buildings
MOVED: C. Craig
Motion of Non-support

While the Committee is generally supportive of the intent of the project, the proposed design does not meet basic tenets of good urban design practice or key policies contained in the Strathcona Junction Area Redevelopment Plan related to building design.
The Committee notes:
● That the proposed architectural design of the building appears very generic, missing the opportunity to explore an architectural vocabulary which better reflects the industrial character and history of the area. The building as proposed in the submission package is not consistent with the notion of ‘colourful’ and ‘striking’ as communicated in the presentation.
● Clear glazing should be maximized in order to create active frontages, and at the same time better promote the business. The street frontage, particularly along University Avenue, would be further activated through the incorporation of an entrance door.
● Proposed access from University Avenue to the main door is poor.
● Proposed bike parking is poorly sited, has poor access and lacks shelter.
● The area on the east side of the building adjacent to the lane is poorly resolved given the future imperative to redevelop the lane.
● The proposed landscape treatment along 104 Street does not create adequate screening of the parking area, and more continuous landscaping is encouraged.
● The submission package contains inconsistent information, therefore making an appropriate assessment difficult. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that this project should return for an informal pre-consultation following these revisions.
FOR THE MOTION: R. Labonte, C. Craig, T. Antoniuk, D. Deshpande, S. Kaznacheeva, A. Rowe, A. Zepp

This is the location and existing building:!1sfk4Lqb5h2RswFzTVJOEDBw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
MNP tower got a paint job and looks like a bit more visual separation from Sutton Place through the addition of a column.


Bell Tower hardscaping is wrapping up:



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Ugh, those colours on the MNP Tower podium are just as bad as the paint job City Centre did a couple of years ago. We need more colour in Edmonton, not more whites and greys...
This humble building is up for a facelift. Hoping it will respect the modernist expression of the building, but it likely won't.


Reference ID: Job No 274990659-001
Description: To construct exterior alterations and addition (3.6sqm) to an existing Professional, Financial and Office Support Services building (facade improvement and landscaping)
Location: 10975 - 124 STREET NW
Plan 5212BB Blk 52 Lots 16-17
Status: More Information Required/Requested
Create Date: 2/16/2018 10:35:15 AM
Neighbourhood: WESTMOUNT


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Might make a thread for Station Pointe eventually, but currently listening to David Hamilton (GMH Architects) explain to EDC why cheap wood buildings with skimpy design details make good TOD and are good enough for Edmonton.

Not that they don't have their place, but...ugh. No vision.
Tell him to try to build those in Vancouver next to a Skytrain station. They'll chase him out of town. What a tool.
