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News   Apr 02, 2020
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Jasper Avenue New Vision / Imagine Jasper Avenue

It’s looking worse than when it was initially opened. And the broken podium is not fixed. This city is a joke. Wonder how long it’s going to take them to fix the whole stretch of Jasper Avenue..

So I guess the temporary pole is permanent???? All summer and no one could be bothered with removing them???
Kinda like Gateway BLVD and our hubcap district welcoming folks next to the blocks of gravel where grass should be, with the decorative light poles and flower barrels working their hardest to distract?
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Kinda like Gateway BLVD and our hubcap district welcoming folks next to the blocks of gravel where grass should be, with the decorative light poles and flower barrels working their hardest to district?

Well to be fair, Edmonton is a fairly young city in comparison and hasn’t experienced the type of wealth that has come in and out and in to Philly.

Lately you’ve been a really harsh critic of the city and that’s fair because it sounds like you have some good ideas on how to improve city living (I was reading about the concrete cleaning discussion from a few months back yesterday).

- but I think it’s important to keep perspective, and to temper the cherry picked photos with an understanding that the city is actually quite amazing and beautiful in many places and ways:

Entering the downtown and valley off the hill at 98th Ave is my hallmark way of showing off the city. Rice Howard Way is rich, beautiful, dense, and active, Moss Pit looked incredible and I was envious not to be there, Coronation park is a beautiful place for a walk, how about the various and countless creeks and hidden gems that feed the valley? I could go on but I’ll become a plodding and pedantic windbag so I’ll stop here.

Point is, you can’t judge an entire city by a couple of blunders or a couple of pictures.
