News   Apr 03, 2020
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News   Apr 02, 2020
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News   Apr 02, 2020
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Jasper Avenue New Vision / Imagine Jasper Avenue

OK Here is today's walk on 97st
97 st 3.jpg

The gate will go here.
97st 2.jpg
The hardscape is solid -- one would think, however, with a vast selection of evergreens in the Edmonton plant palette that a few might have made their way into these planting beds. Someone at the City messed up, no?
The landscaping is quite good. I like the walkways through the planters and the large rocks to sit on. I noticed that all the plants are drought resistant. Putting spruce or pine in would be tough, however it would have be nice to see some Mountain Ash or another native fruit tree.
Is is just me - on a scale of 1 to 10 for interaction with the street, I would rate this bad dream a ZERO and it also took away a nice view of the River Valley.

If the City expects private developers not to build crap, then why did they make this? Oh yes, do as I say, not as I do.
