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For What it's Worth

This will light up your life -- I think there might be an idea in here to help promote Edmonton as a "winter City" (I know there is the "purple haze" magic of the Legislature Building -- do you know about it?). The High Level Bridge would be a good candidate for illumination of a special kind -- maybe becoming a celebratory icon for Canada using lights and XR effects -- lights for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas; Alberta's New Year's symbol; Sir John A. MacDonald Day; Black History Month; Chinese New Year; Valentine's Day; National Flag Day; Commonwealth Day; Journée internationale de la Francophonie; International Day for the elimination of Racial Discrimination; National Wildlife Week; Good Friday; Easter Sunday; Holocaust Memorial Day – Yom ha-Shoah; Asian Heritage Month; International Museum Day; Mother's Day; Victoria Day; National Aboriginal History Month; National Health and Fitness Day; Canadian Armed Forces Day; Canadian Environment Week; Clean Air Day; National Blood Donor Day; National Public Service Day,\; Father's Day; Ted's Birthday; National Aboriginal Day; National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism; Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day / Fête nationale du Québec; Canadian Multiculturalism Day; CANADA DAY; Canada History Week; Korean War Veteran's Day; National Peacekeeper's Day; Labour Day; International Literacy Day; International Day of Peace; Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day; Women's History Month; National Senior's Day; Thanksgiving Day; Person's Day; World Day for Audio-Visual Heritage;
National UNICEF Day; Remembrance Day; National Philanthropy Day; Sit Wilfred Laurier Day; Child Day; Holodomor Day; International Day of Persons with Disabilities; National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women; Human Rights Day; Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster... and that brings us full circle through one year.
Benefit Potential:
* recommissioning and upgrading of the High Level Bridge (bringing notice and notoriety to that important structure)
* impetus for developing a linear Park that crosses the upper deck of the bridge -- an excellent cross-river bike path connection -- renewed emphasis on the Edmonton Radial Railway -- an ornamental park that out-competes NYC's highline -- a superior view outlook for the river, the valley, Rossdale, the Legislature Building, the Glenora Skyline and downtown Edmonton's Skyline
* impetus for a new "living" bridge that connects 109th street directly southside to northside.
* international recognition for the City of Edmonton on a continual year-'round basis -- "come to Edmonton to celebrate (fill in the blank) day"
* removal of the auto deck and replacement with high-end retail and hospitality venues
I think this is a grand idea worthy of an "only in Edmonton" status.
I am going to form a group to pursue this -- sign up HERE***
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This is an investment overview of an infectious phenomenon that started (North America-wise) in New York City. If you listen to this podcast you will note that the same craze is also taking place in Toronto and Vancouver. Thank goodness that the same is NOT true for Edmonton.
Here are a really good pair of articles which describe the legacy and importance of Edmonton's streetcar system. The first article discusses how it impacted our current urban form, and the second one describes why it matters today, and why streetcar-orientated (and multimodal) development is superior to the automobile-orientated development which we saw in the 20th century, and largely to the present day. They include maps, graphics, and pictures; I highly recommend giving these a read.

