Reaganomics also absolutely exploded the national debt by privatizing government assets for a quick buck, and exploded inequality by massively cutting taxes for the rich.
Trump is now doing the same thing again, but to an even more insidious degree. Anyone making 300 000$ or more is getting a huge tax cut, with even higher tax brackets getting bigger tax cuts. Meanwhile, literally everyone else (the entire middle and lower class) is having their taxes increased.
He's declared class warfare on the average American in service of the ultra wealthy. Much like Reagan, but to an even greater degree. The "Golden Age" of prosperity that the MAGA folks want to return to during the 50-60s had a top marginal tax rate of over 70% for the ultra wealthy, who've seen their taxes plummet, while for the average person they've stayed the same or increased.
The Conservatives will do the same if they come into power, privatize by selling off government assets to their friends (with generous subsidies of course) which will increase the deficit, decrease tax rates for the ultra wealthy while increasing or leaving rates the same for the average person, which will increase the deficit and economic activity even further, hyper charging inflation.
The myth that Conservatives are fiscally responsible needs to die, they're the biggest contributors to the deficit if you consider the amount of money making industries for the government they've privatized.
On top of this they have absolutely zero plan to reduce Canada's reliance on fossil fuels, which is not just killing the planet, but killing the economy.
O&G creates a fraction of the jobs it used to thanks to automation, and from an economic perspective it makes absolutely no sense.
Solar and wind and both substantially cheaper than oil and gas for electricity production. Canada poured roughly 28 billion dollars into oil and gas subsidies in 2024 just to keep it costs affordable to the average person, and that's what's directly trackable. I know that battery storage is an issue, but this can be mitigated, and nuclear expansion should solve this in time.
I don't know about you but basic economics tells me that is a market inefficiency.
Oil and gas is an industry being kept alive by path dependency and government subsidies.
It's time to cut the cord and let it die. For everyone's sake, I'm 20 years old right now, and I'd rather not live on a dying planet for the rest of my life. It's easy for older folks to brush climate issues aside (though I know some do care), but for someone like me, it's about ensuring I, and my whole generation, and generations to follow after that have any sort a of decent future without a collapsed food system, rampant water scarcity, natural disasters, wars, etc, etc, etc.
The Liberals also don't really have too much of a great record in terms of climate, Canada's emissions have only increased over Justin Trudeau's time as Prime Minister, but they will at least increase slower than they would under oil shill Poilievre.
Don't bother @ting me
@Whatup , I have you blocked, have a great time licking billionaire boot and supporting politicians and policies that ensure future generations have no future on this planet, economic or otherwise : )