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Federal Politics


The NDP lead among young people isn't surprising, but the highest Liberal votership proportion being in baby boomers is shocking.
I don’t know why you would consider it shocking. Many of us boomers were Progressive Conservatives federally and provincially being socially progressive and fiscally conservative.

When the parties at both levels dropped the “progressive” part of their foundation, it left many of us politically homeless. Forced by the new parties to choose between being fiscally conservative and socially responsible, we will choose the latter and keep a healthy relationship with our conscience.
I don’t know why you would consider it shocking. Many of us boomers were Progressive Conservatives federally and provincially being socially progressive and fiscally conservative.

When the parties at both levels dropped the “progressive” part of their foundation, it left many of us politically homeless. Forced by the new parties to choose between being fiscally conservative and socially responsible, we will choose the latter and keep a healthy relationship with our conscience.
Well said Ken.
Trump and Trudeau aren't stupid people. They're just Machiavellians, and I don't really understand why such crude actions are always viewed as a sign of low intelligence.

JD Vance and Chrystia Freeland are absolutely more intelligent than their respective leaders, though.
There is a huge difference between Trudeau and Trump. Trudeau, I have come to believe, is no longer interested in the job. He is not dumb, just numb. Trump on the other hand is lacking gray matter -- he is way out of his league. The RNC has a history of propping up failures (Nixon and G. W. Bush are outstanding examples) -- mostly borne out of a fear of losing power -- and Trump is the latest cause. Amazingly this guy has a knack for failing upwards. I keep thinking that his safety net is going to fail but he has the support of the madding crowd who in large part think that he is the second coming. Their rigid thinking, even though it is to their own detriment, will, I suspect, ultimately lead to the "house of cards" crashing down -- unfortunately not before it has done irreparable harm to the U.S. and to the rest of the world. Trump's lack of critical thinking prowess is evident in all of his failures -- bankrupt casinos, etc. He is so focused on greed that he doesn't mind trampling any who get in his way, including women who he treats like sexual objects made specifically for his undersized weewee.
It's impressive how effectively Zelensky kept his composure. Every other part of this is embarassing.
Just when you thought the US leadership couldn't get any worse. Invite foreign leaders over to berate them.

I suspect a lot of foreign leaders will not be keen to meet with Trump and probably try to avoid him even more. Avoidance is one of the strategies often used when there is such bullying.
The USA has pumped over 100 billion USD into supporting Ukraine, which has a high level of systemic government corruption that goes back to when it split from USSR and became an independent state. Billions of unaccounted money. The ongoing Ukraine - Russia conflict has effectively become a WW1 style stalemate - with Russia resorting to a war of attrition that Ukraine cannot win without billions and billions of more money from the US and European allies. It's easy for Carney and western politicians to say they will support democracy but are they paying for it? Is it their children dieing? Canada is a pipsqueak nation militarily and has relied on the USA for protection for decades - while not even attempting to pay its agreed 2% of GDP for NATO - but many Canadians expect USA taxpayers to fund the American military to "protect democracy" and act as world police force - and at the same time showing ridiculous amount of anti-Americanism and contempt for the USA. Trump is offering a way to end this horrible war - its not perfect and no one like's Putin but the USA and Europe cannot afford to keep pouring money into this war. Ukraine is not going to get the Donbas region back and the USA and Europe are not going to keep funding a war that sees no end. Zelenskyy dropped the ball at this media avail - if he had concerns about the deal he should have discussed them in private. Netenyahu wasn't happy with Biden but he didn't voice his concerns in public in the oval office with Biden in front of the cameras (and he wore a suit). The USA has helped Ukraine and is helping Ukraine but also wants this war to end. What do people expect Trump to do - keep fighting an trench war with the Russians until Putin is gone? Not going to happen.
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There is a huge difference between Trudeau and Trump. Trudeau, I have come to believe, is no longer interested in the job. He is not dumb, just numb. Trump on the other hand is lacking gray matter -- he is way out of his league. The RNC has a history of propping up failures (Nixon and G. W. Bush are outstanding examples) -- mostly borne out of a fear of losing power -- and Trump is the latest cause. Amazingly this guy has a knack for failing upwards. I keep thinking that his safety net is going to fail but he has the support of the madding crowd who in large part think that he is the second coming. Their rigid thinking, even though it is to their own detriment, will, I suspect, ultimately lead to the "house of cards" crashing down -- unfortunately not before it has done irreparable harm to the U.S. and to the rest of the world. Trump's lack of critical thinking prowess is evident in all of his failures -- bankrupt casinos, etc. He is so focused on greed that he doesn't mind trampling any who get in his way, including women who he treats like sexual objects made specifically for his undersized weewee.
Trudeau is a silver spoon trust fund kid who has never risked or earned anything in his life. He is a woke narcissistic daydreamer idiot who has committed more ethics violations then all other PMs combined and has overseen policies the last 10 years that have left this country in very bad condition. Trump could run circles around Trudeau, which he currently is - and obnoxious Trump with a few stupid tweets and dumb "51st State" comments has created mass hysteria among millions of Canadians - its astounding - he's even gotten them to turn on Wayne Gretzky.
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I don’t know why you would consider it shocking. Many of us boomers were Progressive Conservatives federally and provincially being socially progressive and fiscally conservative.

When the parties at both levels dropped the “progressive” part of their foundation, it left many of us politically homeless. Forced by the new parties to choose between being fiscally conservative and socially responsible, we will choose the latter and keep a healthy relationship with our conscience.
"progressive" went too far. DEI, secret discussions with kids at school about their gender, climate hysteria, settler-colonialism nonsense in universities, unbelievably naive "safe supply' drug policies, "catch and release" crime policies etc etc. Most average people are tired of it - and when they voice their concerns the "progressive" supposedly tolerant and apparently more "educated" people call them "right wing fascists" and "climate deniers" and "homophobic" and "anti-immigrant" . Its a joke. Young people want affordable housing, merit based job hiring, economic growth, safer communities, regulated and responsible immigration policies, lower taxes and want to trust that when they send their kids to school they are learning the 3 R's and not being told their gender might be a mix-up. Young people want a DOGE and want to know where their hard earned tax monies are going. Boomers want to protect their housing wealth, educate the rest of us how open minded and smart they are about every topic, and prepare for the next virus lock down.
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Its very unsettling to see how so many Canadians have reacted to Trump since the USA election. He is an obnoxious and loud protectionist President who is in many ways is just doing the things he said he would during the election campaign. I think of a country like South Korea, which is sandwiched between two more powerful countries and has, during its long history, been invaded, occupied and mistreated by both China and Japan. Instead of whining and acting hysterical, little Korea, a mostly mountainous country with few resources other then their own proud and hardworking population, has created several global level trans-national corporations, created an arts / culture industry that is massively popular in Asia and has expanded into other regions, has the third largest global automotive manufacturer (Hyundai-Kia) and is a world leader in electronics, innovation and increasingly in semi-conductors. I never hear Koreans whining about Japan and China - and Japan and China have done much much worse things to them then the USA has done to Canada. Also, the country was basically levelled during a nasty civil war from 1950-53. Its amazing how one loud mouth President can get into the minds of so many Canadian media and citizens. Canada needs to stop whining and start doing - deal with its own issues, stop blaming Trump and USA for their problems, start acting like a unified country instead of a group of bickering children. Canada is kinda of like Justin Trudeau - a spoiled rich kid who has never had much adversity. Canadians are constantly comparing to the USA - "our health care system is better" - "we are much safer" - "we don't have Trump". etc etc. Canada acts like a very unconfident nation and this only stops when it grows a pair and stops the USA obsession. The recent public shaming of Wayne Gretzky is deplorable but all too predictable. Canada needs to grow up.
