Valley Line LRT/ Valley Line West | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

@itom987 I mean... we probably could make them if we really wanted to! But I don’t know, most likely can’t hold the electric current from the line though, and comes front the wrong era of course 😅

Edit: Well I guess they can hold the same current after all! I think it would be cool if the city could work with the radial railway society to set up some of of “holiday express”, like for Canada Day and other Late Spring-Summer-Early Fall events😀
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Grabbed a couple shots of Strathern Station earlier this evening:

I'm really liking the way these stops look! You can tell they are for trains but still are much more "quaint" than the high-floor ones and integrate with the neighborhood much better, and I think the black arches look cool.
^ yeah, and the unique custom made made artwork should give each stop it's own distinct character. looking forward to that
I'm VERY excited for the art as well! a lot of the artists are local; and each stop will be unique and wildly different from the others. I'm really excited for the Muttart Stop. I got to see prototypes for it a couple years ago (the design was still being finalized) but these flowers are gonna be striking!
Maybe it's just a question of personal taste, but I don't see those looking very aesthetically pleasing in person, especially after a few years of weathering. I worry it's just going to look like the city threw a bunch of metal scrap on top of the shelter roof.
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Was biking by the line today, and I noticed the path by the Strathearn Stop was open. I rode down it, then south of 82 Ave. Something I noticed about this path is that, aside from some wierdness I can't discern yet surrounding the 90 Ave intersection (which isn't quite complete, missing paint etc) it appears continuous, following the line. From the South, it appears on the north side of 82 Ave, on the west side of the LRT/street, across 82 Ave from a widened (looks intended to be multi-use, plugs into the neighbourhood street a block south) sidewalk. The paved path follows the line north from Bonnie Doon Stop, crosses 83 street with the line (by the pool) and continues north, to the Strathearn stop. Counting the (tiny, one-way, sparsely used) frontage road, that would make this path a continuous bike connection, out of traffic, from 95 Ave to 82 Ave, with a safe connection into the neighbourhood.
I'm going into all this because I don't remember hearing about any mixed-use or bike path being added here, and the maps in the PDF booklet lack details on this, in some spots the 12' (ish, maybe bigger) path aren't referenced at all. was there always a plan for a large bike/mixed-use path to follow the line here? will it tie in to other bike paths in the area, either built or planned? am i missing something? is it some wild taxi lane for uber drivers? idk. here's a pic:

also, screencaps of the maps i'm looking at for reference, fresh from the city's website:
LRT southeast paths 2.JPGLRT southeast paths.JPG
Just asked TransEd. This was their response (Really quick response time <#)

" Share Use Path (SUP) design and installations across the Valley Line LRT project is in alignment with the original City plans with one noted change at the request of the City. The City requested TransEd slightly adjust the SUP on the north side 95 Ave to provide connectivity to the new bike route through the neighborhood that goes north on Strathearn Dr. "
