University Heights | 23m | 6s | Westrich Pacific | EFG Architects

What do you think of this project?

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I wonder how many years until that entire stretch from 112st-where that road curves north become low-rise like this.
Speaking of which
A planning application (map) has been received for a property at 11419 University Avenue NW.

This application proposes to rezone the property from the Single Detached Residential Zone (RF1) to the Medium Rise Apartment Zone (RA8). The proposed rezoning would allow for a 23-metre high (approximately 6 storeys) residential building with limited commercial opportunities, such as child care services, general retail stores and specialty food services, at ground level.

This rezoning application conforms to the McKernan/Belgravia Station Area Redevelopment Plan, which designates this site for up to 6 storeys with commercial opportunities at ground level (University Avenue Corridor Land Use Precinct).

Council Public Hearing Date: To be determined

Reference File Number: LDA22-0047

Planner: Email Stuart Carlyle or call 780-496-6068 for more information
^Nice shot. The more I see the more I'm liking this one. Bumping up my vote 2 notches to "I like it."
Reading over the first few pages of this thread it was such a disaster and then that new render appeared in post #60 and voilà, it ain't so bad. Turning out way way better than I thought it would. Nice missing middle density.
Wow, that's fast! They started digging the pit a little more than a year and a half ago, Aug 2020 or so. I wonder how much parking they built, it's 2 levels but I'm just wondering if they did end up overbuilding to lease out parking to the public? Anyways, just 2 levels underground and wood construction made quick work for 195 suites, all through difficult/demic times.
the unit plans hurt my soul. the 3br isn't too bad, but the 1br looks to be about 15% storage space, complete with walk-in closet off the 'master' (only) bedroom. idk, i guess for 1200/mo they're targeting a different market than I'm used to lol.
underground parking for $150/mo. definitely targeting the rich student crowd i guess.
the unit plans hurt my soul. the 3br isn't too bad, but the 1br looks to be about 15% storage space, complete with walk-in closet off the 'master' (only) bedroom. idk, i guess for 1200/mo they're targeting a different market than I'm used to lol.
underground parking for $150/mo. definitely targeting the rich student crowd i guess.
The 2bdrm+2bath is actually decent, and finishes look pretty good.
With the incentives, parking is essentially coming for free on those ($1750/12=~$145) which isn't half bad.
Am I the only one who looks at the design of the 3-bedroom and thinks "Man, that place is going to be hard to heat in the winter?"
This one's leasing up pretty well:
My lease for a 2 bed 2 bath starts August 1st. I originally tried to get a 1 bed 1 bath unit, but they only had three main floor units left. By the time I was ready to settle for one, they were all gone. Seems like a nice place but check the unit availability ASAP if it's not all taken up.
The western half isn’t really visible but it looks way more finished than what’s shown in that pic
Yep, you can just see it jutting out on the right-hand side in my pic. I just took it from the LRT, and that was the least-worst angle I could manage.
