Too bad they couldn't have recreated the original first storey as well. Still, they've done a good job regardless.
I completely agree, and while I'm glad to see the old Buena Vista Building reappear, I have some staunch reservations about its reconstruction. Be warned, serious nitpicking below!
The parapet above the cornice was redone incorrectly. In the reconstruction it is a simple and flat rectangular shape, more akin to this |————————| while it should actually feature a step up around the nameplate, more like this ______|—————|______.
Below the cornice, and above the windows, the building has been stretched vertically. This effect can be seen on the old City Grocery No.2 ghost sign; originally it reached the roofline, but now there’s a banding of regular brickwork above it. However, while not accurate, I can concede this was probably done to conform to a more desirable and spacious floor plate. Likewise with the two smaller windows on the north facade. They were originally located lower and were off cantered from the rest due to there being stairwell there. But probably because of the new floor plate they had to be shifted higher.
The north face is also odd in that the cornice should wrap around to the east side. On the reconstruction it stops short, not even reaching the corner.
As mentioned above, the storefronts are perhaps the biggest issue as they in no way resemble their original appearance. The original Magoon & MacDonald plan only featured two supporting stone columns on each corner of the building, with continuous wood and glass storefronts in-between. However, the reconstruction went with four thick brick ones.
And trust me I know this is all trivial nitpicking, but these kinda small changes, to me anyways, have the unintended affect of throwing of the composition of the original masterfully proportioned design. Regardless, I am thankful that Edgar even tried to save the facade in the first place. I know it would have been painfully easy to just demolish it.