Stationlands Residential Towers | 90m | 25s | Qualico | DIALOG

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Some shots from Today. Cladding and Brick up now.




Those simply will not function for any length of time as retail. There is nowhere near enough density, foot traffic now or in the mid-term and they are hidden.

I expect a couple of localized 'amenities'/med/prof, but otherwise these will sit.
I think they'll sit too, but I'll stay positive and pray for success. It is not an Edmonton isolated thing as it is right across NA. I guess the last option for these retail bays would be to turn them into ground floor lofts or some form of short term apartment rentals?
There should be an announcement on the tower within the next couple of months... all told with employment from Epcor, CN and City Hall with close association vis-a-vis RAM and now with added residential components tower 1 (almost finished) and tower 2 (with a soon-to-be-announced start) all that is needed is a couple of hospitality ventures and then (what I call) smart Retail (3-pronged presence -- in situ, internet, and community collaboration) will begin to be evident. Negative prognostication aside, let's see what develops.
