Awesome info, thank you for sharing.
Would you mind shedding a bit of light on the whole process for how Station Lands/EPCOR tower RFP/Metro Line all came together back in the day? From the outside looking in it sure looked like some incredible coordination but all parties and overall some brilliant planning.
i’m not sure what i can add to your conclusion but i will briefly try to:
1. the project needs to have a singular vision from the beginning that all parties need to buy into.
2. the vision for large projects needs to be readily adaptable to changing circumstances.
3. you need a “full team” in place and available from the beginning.
4. all of the team members need to be empowered without abrogating control of the overall vision.
5. there will be “third party” constituents (ie approval authorities, tenants, neighbours, lrt designers and contractors) whose goals may not be identical but are equally valid even when contradictory. collaborative resolution of those conflicts means everyone needs to be willing to be “equal losers” if not equal winners.
6. everyone needs to be accountable but someone has to remain “in charge” and take ownership of the vision. that means staying involved and not watching from a distance.
7. everyone has the ability to derail things or to generate a poor result. if things are successful, everyone deserves credit and recognition, not the person “in charge” (except perhaps for having selected the right team in the first place).
hope that helps…