Stables at Mayfair | ?m | 34s | ProCura Real Estate | Manasc Isaac

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I'd like the rezoning to be conditional on changing that stupid name.
Does it have a name? Is there an actual project? Possibly rezoning will drive property value 🆙🆙🆙 and after a respectable period of time be sold to the GoA lining somebody’s pockets. Now about those parking lots …
F&F Holdings has applied to rezone a narrow parcel of land downtown located west of 109 Street between 99 Avenue and the alleyway south of Jasper Avenue. The current zoning allows for buildings on the property to be as tall as 20 metres, or about four storeys. The applicant wants to increase the maximum height on the parcel north of 100 Avenue to 70 metres, or about 20 storeys, and the maximum height south of 100 Avenue to 50 metres, or about 15 storeys. These heights are the same as those allowed on the lots across 109 Street. Some nearby residents oppose the rezoning. They said buildings this tall will reduce privacy, views, and sunlight, and that more density will increase traffic congestion. Council is scheduled to debate the rezoning at a public hearing on Aug. 19.

Bought by a no-name Tire dealership? At least it could have been Kal or Fountain Tire but “Central Tire?” Do they have the brass balls to pull off something like this?
^ I'm supposed to drop my truck off for an oil change there tomo... gunna ask for details lol
They are great and have been serving the area well.

I use them and hope they remain for awhile longer as the north parcels develop.
I think the Taproot article misrepresented what this is: they're not trying to rezone that strip of properties, they're trying to have the existing zoning (CMU) amended to allow for greater heights/FAR to the specifications of this CMU zoning bylaw. Guy at Central Tire this AM simply said they're trying to upgrade the zoning for better land value when they choose to sell and that they aren't developers. They also don't own the PetroCan site or anything north of that.
