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Riley's 108 Street Redevelopment | 20.2m | 6s | J+S Architect

This project is not on Jasper Ave or on 109 Street, it does not have a river valley view, it is not close to Ice District. It is a decent location, not too far from retail and LRT, but location is definitely not high profile.

Not every location downtown is going to be for glamorous upscale high rises, real people need place to live too.
^I would actually argue 108st is or could be (should be) higher profile. A lot of money was spent to create Capital Boulevard - a special street with a direct view to the Legislature and its upgraded grounds/Plaza area..

108 st I believe is designed to be special given its unique proximity.
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Yes @TAS this may be the only building that ends up being so-so on Capital Boulevard after Maclab makes its move and NorQuest builds out. Edmonton City should be focused on making this Edmonton's second prominent street after 104th Street (which, by the way, 104th needs a new name -- David Thompson Promenade for example).
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This project is not on Jasper Ave or on 109 Street, it does not have a river valley view, it is not close to Ice District. It is a decent location, not too far from retail and LRT, but location is definitely not high profile.

Not every location downtown is going to be for glamorous upscale high rises, real people need place to live too.
You must be smoking some skunk.
This project is 100% urban and activates the sidewalk on both sides, suburban projects don't do that. The height limit has been removed and we are seeing tall buildings get proposed, and built on a regular basis. The skyline has already changed dramatically and will continue to do so, as a result the image Edmonton projects to the world has changed for the better. Right now our priority should be fixing the city's torn urban fabric. It is time to get all those vacant lots developed. I like that the building covers a large footprint, we need projects like this now more than ever.
A couple shots of this "beauty" before it disappears forever.

10164 - 108 STREET NW Plan B2 Blk 8 Lot 145 10164 - 108 STREET NW Plan B2 Blk 8 Lot 146 10164 - 108 STREET NW Plan B2 Blk 8 Lots 143-144 - Major Development Permit​

External ID
Job Type
Major Development Permit
To demolish 3 commercial buildings
No DP Required
Class of Permit

Create Date
December 5, 2024
Approval Date

10164 - 108 STREET NW Plan B2 Blk 8 Lot 145 10164 - 108 STREET NW Plan B2 Blk 8 Lot 146 10164 - 108 STREET NW Plan B2 Blk 8 Lots 143-144

10164 - 108 STREET NW Plan B2 Blk 8 Lot 146 - Major Development Permit​

External ID
Job Type
Major Development Permit
To add 15 Dwellings to an existing mixed-use building in the form of a Multi-unit Housing (a total of 152 Dwellings).
Intake - Payment and More Info Requested
Class of Permit

Create Date
December 10, 2024
Approval Date

10164 - 108 STREET NW Plan B2 Blk 8 Lot 146
