CNIB Redevelopment | 106m | 32s | ONE Properties | Wallman Architects

What do you think of this project?

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Drove past the building and took a good look at it. I dunno I kinda like it. I think I’d have liked some more diversity in the colours of the paneling but it looks a lot like some buildings that have gone up in Burnaby recently.
I’ll reserve judgement for a completed project, but I personally like it.
A few shots from the 22nd & 23rd
2021-07-22 011.JPG2021-07-22 016.JPG2021-07-22 035.JPG2021-07-22 024.JPG2021-07-22 064.JPG2021-07-23 039.JPG2021-07-23 050.JPG
I do wish the tower had it's original height, but nonetheless I still like it's impact on the skyline.
It will end up pretty close. The 106m will probably be surpassed once the hit the top of mechanical pavements and all. I'm betting on it being almost as tall as The Pearl
Are the builders required to take and report the actual finished height to authorities like Fire Department? I am thinking they would want to know that detail in case of a fire or other incident. Anyone?
Are the builders required to take and report the actual finished height to authorities like Fire Department? I am thinking they would want to know that detail in case of a fire or other incident. Anyone?

It is unlikely to matter to any AHJ if it varies incrementally in height unless it affects floor numbers or occupancy numbers.

@IanO is right too about engineer verifications which makes it varying unlikely.
The AHJ always takes precedent, and I always defer to them. I would be surprised if the AHJ (EFD) did not already know the final height. Ian you were involved at the beginning of projects and could probably shed more light on that.

I require verifications, testing and misc, certifications as required by the Alberta Building Code, Life safety testing all to be complete before I issue the C schedules.
Generally speaking if you were reducing the intensity/height/density of a project things were still ok, but if you were increasing any of those discussions/amendments/additional reviews/revised applications were important with a variety of groups prior to the BP stage.
