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Edmonton City Centre Mall (Renovations) | ?m | 2s | LaSalle Investment Management

A pickleball facility in the old Bay space would be a good start.

It actually reminds me of a local store that was previously downtown and successful, but closed not too long ago because of owners health issues.

^Bling, I assume you mean. It was more than just a health issue -- the owner died, sadly. RIP.

More details, please. What was the name of the store and what was the address?
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Who here would go to a giant pickle ball facility with lounge area in the old Bay if created? A family zone, social zone and tournament zone.

Asking for a friend.

This has been done in other malls and needs to happen here. And yes, I would go and know others who would, too.

Also indoor kids playground and other activities.

Is that indoor bike park also still happening in the previous Sport Chek space?
I know this has been posted before, but now they did a story on it. Also not directly applicable to ECC (the building in the story is heritage) but underscores the need for redevelopment.

I haven't been there for quite a while, but isn't there actually already mall here in Edmonton that also has housing above it called Hub Mall at the U of A? If that is still around, maybe we should also look at it as an example.

I don't know if the two or three upper floors of the old Woodward space are being used for anything now, although as I recall it is a very square space with limited windows. I think at one time there was a call centre there.
For years there was a Planning Directive in most jurisdictions that did not allow a housing retail mix -- offices and retail yes -- but once again Planners saw the errors of their ways and changed the ideation to allow housing and retailing in the same complex (been around for a while now). The world is changing so rapidly that zoning laws are nearly irrelevant and that's a good thing.
Whatever happened to the Edmonton City Club that was supposed to open in ECC?

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about this one. Although I felt it was rather ambitious for this location, even at the time when ECC seemed a bit more upscale. I expect COVID finished off this idea.

Years ago and for many years there used to be a nice private club in the space next to the Bell Tower, which had recreational and dining facilities, it was a good space for something like that.
^Doucettes. It was one of the most interesting places to have a night out with dinner and dancing. Got to go a few times before it closed.
Was an indoor bike park supposed to be setting up in the previous Sport Chek space or did I miss an update that it was cancelled? Or am I just imagining things?
Some friends and I went to see a movie at the Landmark Cinema a few weekends ago, and the parking situation was surprisingly bad. Finding a stall was not a problem; I maybe saw two other vehicles in the first two levels. We parked by a door that had the hotel's sign on it, and assumed we could use the elevator inside that hallway to go to the correct level. But when we opened the door, some loud alarm went off - like we broke in and tripped it. We recoiled a bit in confusion and let the door close, and spotted a door on the other side of the ramp. So, we walked over there - the alarm in the first stairwell still blaring - and went in. My friend tried to pay for parking at the kiosk, but when he selected the theatre rate, it said he had to pay at the theatre itself. We got up to the theatre's floor, and there's another parking kiosk in the elevator hallway. He tries again, but got the same message. So we get to the theatre and he talks to a staff member, and it turns out that the parkade we used - the east one - wasn't for moviegoers, even though that option was available on those darn kiosks. While my other friend and I got snacks, the other friend backtracked and ended up going with some other rate option rather than moving his car.
