Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

The only comparable houses to the Blatchford options are Averton Pivot (Rutherford) & Midtown (St.Albert).

The development NEEDS to start being focused around the LRT, though.
Which begs the question of how comparable it really is if it's on the absolute ragged edge of the city or the next city over, especially when LRT access was considered an essential criteria for us.
Guessing 630 CHED just ran a hit piece on Blatchford. The other half and I went out to an antique dealer to get a new old dining table, and the dealer was really keen to lecture us on just what a disaster our new neighbourhood is and how they'd heard it all on CHED. The usual "no one is building", "no one is buying", "district energy is a disaster", etc.
Guessing 630 CHED just ran a hit piece on Blatchford. The other half and I went out to an antique dealer to get a new old dining table, and the dealer was really keen to lecture us on just what a disaster our new neighbourhood is and how they'd heard it all on CHED. The usual "no one is building", "no one is buying", "district energy is a disaster", etc.
As much as I like browsing antique dealers, I wouldn't take advice on how to anticipate market supply/demand from anyone in that business.
As much as I like browsing antique dealers, I wouldn't take advice on how to anticipate market supply/demand from anyone in that business.
We certainly didn't. The business does in this case seem to be a way to claim business expenses for a collecting habit.

Nevertheless, she had just been listening to a piece on 630 CHED which had told her what to think on the subject, and am morbidly curious as to how bad it was.
I just drove through Blatchford this weekend to pick up some cold ones from the Growlery.... really impressed with how this is coming along. If I wasn't happily housed in Westmount already, I would be eyeing this place up for sure. You can see the potential and with the amount of construction going on you know there is going to be ongoing progress. Keep rockin', Blatchford!
I just drove through Blatchford this weekend to pick up some cold ones from the Growlery.... really impressed with how this is coming along. If I wasn't happily housed in Westmount already, I would be eyeing this place up for sure. You can see the potential and with the amount of construction going on you know there is going to be ongoing progress. Keep rockin', Blatchford!
Hell, I'm in the process of moving in (other half and I just entertained for the first time). My initial impression of it was one of long-term potential but it was the only place the other half and I could really find what we wanted even if it was going to be rough for a few years. It's actually surprising me how rapidly it's coming together. It's very much at odds with the whole narrative that some folks are pushing that nothing is happening here.

Conversely, the local tire repair guys are doing a brisk business here. The other half has been here since the start of June, isn't doing much driving, and already hit her first nail.
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I just drove through Blatchford this weekend to pick up some cold ones from the Growlery.... really impressed with how this is coming along. If I wasn't happily housed in Westmount already, I would be eyeing this place up for sure. You can see the potential and with the amount of construction going on you know there is going to be ongoing progress. Keep rockin', Blatchford!
Those of us that have been involved with this project have always known what is going on here. Yes it was slow out of the gate but I also know that there are quite a few projects just about to start. At least that was what I knew up to last winter. With a new firm now and lost most contacts. But from other contacts they are about to really start coming. As for the energy centre that has proven to work quite well. Now that capacity is increasing the system is operating just below its most efficient. And the network was expanded last fall.
Sitting at the neighbours last Sat and had to listen to them go on about what a failure it was. ( Funny thing is this was in St Al). I had to bring them up to date on it. as well as tell them to go have a look since they have never been there. This is also the neighbour that says the airport should never have been closed. Again he was a toddler when it was closed. To many uninformed people out there.
Those of us that have been involved with this project have always known what is going on here. Yes it was slow out of the gate but I also know that there are quite a few projects just about to start. At least that was what I knew up to last winter. With a new firm now and lost most contacts. But from other contacts they are about to really start coming. As for the energy centre that has proven to work quite well. Now that capacity is increasing the system is operating just below its most efficient. And the network was expanded last fall.

The district heating/cooling is definitely something we're loving. The place seems to just very easily stay cool even when we're pushing 35°C.

Sitting at the neighbours last Sat and had to listen to them go on about what a failure it was. ( Funny thing is this was in St Al). I had to bring them up to date on it. as well as tell them to go have a look since they have never been there. This is also the neighbour that says the airport should never have been closed. Again he was a toddler when it was closed. To many uninformed people out there.
There's a lot of nostalgia out there for a past that never existed, where a quaint little airport with a quaint little terminal and quaint little runways that you could barely land a lightly loaded 737-200 on and absolutely no room for expansion would've been sufficient for Edmonton's needs in the 21st Century. Also in this nostalgiaverse, PWA would still be flying and you'd still be allowed to smoke on the planes.
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Coun. Aaron Paquette will introduce a motion that asks administration to provide a report on Blatchford. Paquette will ask for the report to include a full status of the progress of sales and development in Blatchford, and options to accelerate development.

Coun. Aaron Paquette will introduce a motion that asks administration to provide a report on Blatchford. Paquette will ask for the report to include a full status of the progress of sales and development in Blatchford, and options to accelerate development.

My guess is that this is a purely political move by Paquette/allies on council. Admin is scheduled to come back to council every fall for progress updates and they are already exploring acceleration options that came in a report less than a year ago, so this is really unnecessary. But asking for this report now will mean it doesn’t come back for a year or so and they can shut down Cartmell’s more dramatic ideas.
I wish they'd shut up Cartmell by taking a development near transit and the massive school first approach.
Admin is looking at the market area by the LRT as the next stage of development (probably should have happened sooner, but the next best time is now…). And the school decision isn’t really in their hands.
Admin is looking at the market area by the LRT as the next stage of development (probably should have happened sooner, but the next best time is now…). And the school decision isn’t really in their hands.
I was talking about building close to NAIT when referring to the school. That's good to hear, I'm glad a road connection will be done shortly.
Admin is looking at the market area by the LRT as the next stage of development (probably should have happened sooner, but the next best time is now…). And the school decision isn’t really in their hands.
High density development around a station that wasn't there yet would've been a bit of a hard sell. The station did arrive a year early, leading to something of a rush to build out the associated subsurface infrastructure, which now appears to be complete.
