C.3. Holyrood Phase 1 (Development Permit)
Jim Der - Der & Associates Architecture Ltd.
MOVED: J. Mills
Motion of non-support.
FOR THE MOTION: M. Figueira, J. Mills, D. Nolan, W. Sims, and A. Zepp
The Committee notes the following:
● The submission lacks sufficient clarity regarding the design of the public realm,
and specifically, the conceptual intent and detailed design refinement of each
amenity space, including but not limited to grading, site furnishings and features,
and soft and hard landscape elements.
● The submission lacks sufficient clarify regarding the selection of building finishes
(ie. metal panel and / or stucco)
● The Applicant should provide a detailed staging plan, highlighting those
components of the public realm which will be constructed in conjunction with
each phase, which also identifies the treatment and use of those remaining
portions of the site and pedestrian connectivity east-west to the LRT stop. The
staging plan must also identify screening and hoarding extent and provisions to
minimize adverse impacts on the adjacent community over the course of various
● It is the understanding of the Committee that the transit plaza and 93 Avenue is to
be a shared space. If this is the design intent, then the Committee recommends
that the materiality of the plaza be continuous throughout.
● The Committee feels that the architecture could benefit from greater
differentiation, through changes in colour, material, form and detail, to reduce the
repetitiveness of the overall project.