East Junction | 86m | 25s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

What do you think of this project?

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A lot more mid density then? Option B was mostly 4 storey wasn't it, whereas I suspect this will have to include a lot more 8 storey type buildings to fit 1200 units given the limited amount of larger towers?

Original Option A:

Option B:


So slightly more site coverage makes up the difference, it seems. It is really more of a hybrid of the two presented options.

Only just noticed too it looks like all surface parking has been eliminated, which is good.
Hmmm.. looks like it is going to be just a larger scale Edgewater project to me. They have definitely simplified the design dramatically from both previous options.

Let's hope the architectural design of both the low and high rise buildings will be better than Edgewater.


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Proposal to rezone property in Holyrood
July 5, 2017

Residents are invited to a public open house to discuss a proposed new development located at 8310 and 8311 93 Avenue NW, in the Holyrood neighbourhood.

Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (drop in anytime)

Location: South East Edmonton Seniors Association, 9350 82 Street NW

The proposal is to develop a maximum of 1,200 residential units within seven medium and high rise apartment buildings. These buildings range from four to 22 storeys, with ground-floor local commercial uses at the 93 Avenue/85 Street intersection. All required parking would be underground and provided on-site.

The development will require a rezoning to DC2 (Site Specific Development Control Provision), a zone that allows for a high degree of control over the built form and uses for the site.

The City is looking for your input on the proposed development. If you cannot attend the open house, you may contact the planner working on this project.

For more information:

Media contacts:
Carla Putnam Kerr
Communications Advisor, Sustainable Development
I'll be at this open house and will take photos and such to share on this thread, but as a disclosure reminder I'll be there representing Holyrood Community League and our Development Committee, so I won't be editorializing to avoid appearance of any conflict of interest.
Redevelopment plans overwhelm quiet Holyrood neighbourood
Proposed rezoning in Edmonton's Holyrood neighbourhood is pushing some residents out of their comfort zone.

A developer wants to build seven medium and high-density buildings at Holyrood Gardens, including a residential tower. The new development could include up to 1,200 living units.

The site runs along 85th Street between 95th Avenue and 90th Avenue.

"We are worried that this is going to be pushed through without people having a proper say," said Marc Harden with the Holyrood community league.

He was one of hundreds attending an open house about the project in southeast Edmonton Wednesday night.


A developer wants to build seven medium and high-density buildings at the Holyrood Gardens site in southeast Edmonton. (City of Edmonton)

"We're extremely frustrated," Harden added.

Holyrood Gardens is currently the site of about 160 townhouses. The area has been designated as a neighbourhood station for the new Valley Line LRT, which will run along 85th Street.

Here's my photos from the open house. We managed to get an estimated 300 people out, which is HUGE. I've been to a lot of open houses now, and this was by far the best attended I've seen.



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"Poor public engagement process" reads one sticky. Is that not what they are doing? Lol.
@westcoastjos They are, but that doesn't make it a good process. The biggest beef I have with it is there's a pretty big imbalance of power; the developer is in it to profit, the city admin folks are doing this as their job, but for those of us in the community, it's whatever volunteer time we can scrap together.

In addition, there's virtually no information made available to residents about things like TOD Gudinelines, Large Site Infill Guidelines, no information on how to interpret sightline diagrams, sun-shadow diagrams, no way to understand how to read a traffic impact assessment,... ...and yet they expect residents to provide feedback on all these things. It's no wonder that views expressed are on the extreme ends of "yes moar towers & density everywhere" to NIMBY/BANANA without much in between. The nuance is completely lost.
Councillor worries Holyrood Gardens will bend rules for development near LRT
With a 22-storey tower near a row of bungalows, critics worry Edmonton’s new Holyrood Gardens proposal is bending city rules already and could radically shift expectations around neighbourhood-level LRT stations.

“This is putting towers next to single-family houses (and) that’s a neighbourhood stop,” said Ward 8 Coun. Ben Henderson, worried land prices around other stops will skyrocket if council doesn’t follow the limits in its own guidelines.

But supporters say this site is unique. Edmonton needs to increase density to justify the billions of dollars it’s investing in LRT, and this is a rare four-hectare site that could see 1,200 new units right beside a station.

It’s just two stops from downtown, said developer Raj Dhunna. “You don’t run into a (four-hectare) site too often.”

