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Downtown Real Estate

A massive opportunity here to have the right owner actually reinvest in both sites, add value to the property to the south that's a mess and re-establish this is a premier destination.
I lived in this neighborhood for a while, it's a pain in the ass to navigate on foot. For what an attraction the Legislature is, you'd think they would put more effort into making it more tourist-friendly.
Any idea what this is about?
EDIT: Found it; that's the new name for the Phipps-McKinnon Building. Here's the website:
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^"Edmonton also stood out on the list for its high median household income, which topped the list of other cities at $83,500 — even higher than Calgary with a median household income of $75,800."

Higher median income than Calgary, which was suprising. Wonder where that stat is from
^ Blue collar workers may be salaried below top CEOs but their wages are usually higher than other office workers. That plus engineers make good salaries and Stantec is one of the largest engineering firms in the world.
^"Edmonton also stood out on the list for its high median household income, which topped the list of other cities at $83,500 — even higher than Calgary with a median household income of $75,800."

Higher median income than Calgary, which was suprising. Wonder where that stat is from
Yes, that surprised me and I wonder about it, generally Calgary with more high paid executives in corporate head office brings up their average, but perhaps not the median.

However Edmonton has generally had higher incomes than Vancouver and comparable or higher than Toronto, yet somehow people there can pay 3x more for housing. Crazy.
Field guys always make more than Head Office guys. My old boss at Encana used to joke that I made more than him even he was in YYC and I was in the bush. Guys pushing brooms make $100k in Ft.Sask or Ft.Mac, more than their masters in YYC. So not a surprise at this at all
Perhaps it sometimes depends on how you define pay, if you include bonuses, stock options, etc... Regardless, I'm fairly confident the CEO and senior executives of Cenovus make more than $100k.
Most industrial tradespeople in Edmonton make over $110,000. Union Electricians working a full year will pull in around $135,000.
Most Engineers are salaried so are set. But trades guys are hourly usually and can bring in as much as 200K. But the draw back is as soon as work is dried up you are off the clock.
Address: 10508 - 97 STREET NW
Planner Description: The City has received a rezoning and road closure application from Situate. The current zone is a Direct Control Zone (DC2.871) and the proposed zone is the Mixed Use Zone (MU h60.0 f9.5) which would allow: - A maximum height of 60 metres (approximately 18 storeys). - A Floor Area Ratio of 9.5. - A range of uses that support residential, commercial and employment opportunities. An associated road closure has been submitted with this rezoning to close the mid-block east-west lane connection, and re-dedicate the historical north-south lane.
Status: In Review
File Number: LDA24-0512

Interesting rezoning proposal.

Would be great for local businesses to get more people living in the area.
Address: 10508 - 97 STREET NW
Planner Description: The City has received a rezoning and road closure application from Situate. The current zone is a Direct Control Zone (DC2.871) and the proposed zone is the Mixed Use Zone (MU h60.0 f9.5) which would allow: - A maximum height of 60 metres (approximately 18 storeys). - A Floor Area Ratio of 9.5. - A range of uses that support residential, commercial and employment opportunities. An associated road closure has been submitted with this rezoning to close the mid-block east-west lane connection, and re-dedicate the historical north-south lane.
Status: In Review
File Number: LDA24-0512

Interesting rezoning proposal.

Would be great for local businesses to get more people living in the area.
That's the first time I've seen a rezoning proposal in Chinatown for quite a long time (if ever) so this is a welcome surprise.
