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Downtown Real Estate

NQC has given notice to the owners of the former A+B Sound Building on 106 Street and will be vacating at the end of 2024. At the same time, a lack of a new building to expand into has resulted in NQC's divestment from Centre 106 (the former A+B Sound building) to expand into the Intact Building on 108 street and Jasper Avenue. Plans call for additional classrooms, labs, support and amenity spaces, and some administrative offices in the building, which will open for classes in January 2025. Total lease is 63,100 SF with an option to extend into an additional floor making the total 84,500 sf if they take the option. (Centre 106 was ~47,000 sf) Construction in the Intact Building is underway currently. NorQuest won't be able to get out of the leases until new owned-space is built on campus, as the Downtown Campus is designed to accommodate ~5,000 FLEs. They are currently at nearly 11,000. Bursting.

NorQuest is nearly complete with the construction of the first three (of four) floors in the Intact Building (called Jasper Avenue Tower on campus). Staff offices and classrooms will be operational in January 2025. This Downtown Campus extension to Jasper Ave is considered a bridging strategy to manage existing growth until the college can build its own purpose-built space on the 108 street block between 102 and 103 Avenues. The interior of this space is modelled after the design and theme of the current interiors in the Singhmar Centre for Learning (SCFL) and Civic Employees Legacy Tower (CELT).

Teaser Video
Thanks for sharing that @StoneCutter099 !!

Lookin' like a pretty sweet and well designed space. I especially am a total sucker for stuff like this...

External ID
Job Type
Major Development Permit
To Change the Use from a General Retail Store to a Childcare Service (76 Children)
Intake - Payment Required
Class of Permit

Create Date
December 16, 2024
Approval Date

10023 - 104 STREET NW Plan 2320719 Blk 3 Lot 67A
The David Thompson was owned by Midwest Property Management (Maclab), who also sold Edmonton House to Leston Holdings (as per the article). These are 2 of 10 buildings LH purchased this year (also as per the article). This is in addition to the 2 new buildings they currently have under construction. LH is on a roll, and Maclab now has more cash to get started on that Mill Woods TC TOD.
“According to Mitton, Leston plans to remove large concrete slabs that make up a significant portion of the exterior cladding and replace it with glass, which he said will give the building a fresh new look.”

Big upgrade to the Albany, soon to be called “Access” it sounds like!
