According to
this list of items due, it is scheduled to return to Council in Q1 of this year, but was originally scheduled for Q3 2024. This is what Council requested of Administration:
1. That Bylaw 20700 - Public Spaces Bylaw be referred back to Administration to complete further research and analysis and to incorporate the following into the bylaw report, including any potential further recommended amendments for consideration when this report comes back:
a. comprehensive GBA+ analysis including data and research including, but not limited to, anti-racism, criminalization of poverty, LGBTQ2S+ specific considerations with public spaces and how these findings were or were not integrated into the proposed bylaw and why;
b. a climate review with options to support better environmental stewardship in public spaces, including but not limited to, the River Valley; comprehensive rationale for any fine changes in the proposed bylaw;
c. a jurisdictional scan of municipal fine amounts for the same infraction where the fine is not the same as current policy or is a new offence; and
d. a detailed review of the 50 person gathering permit requirement and amplification systems to ensuring the rights to protest and gather are not infringed through this bylaw.
2. That Administration prepare the following amendments to Bylaw 20700 - Public Spaces Bylaw and return to a future Committee meeting:
a. clarify that “herbicides” are included in section section 44;
b. refine the definition of “temporary shelters” in section 46 to include for the purpose of sheltering;
c. delete section 54;
d. clarify that sidewalk chalk is not included in section 62;
e. change all minimum fine amounts to specified fines;
f. remove reference to “inappropriate use of transit spaces” throughout the bylaw;
g. remove the exception for feeding birds and feral cats in public spaces in section 16; and
h. clarify that the definition of weapon includes, but is not limited to, the listed items in section 28;
i. revise the relevant sections of Part XIV to allow bicycles, e-bicycles, e-scooters, inline skates, roller skates, and skateboards in park spaces provided the use does not cause damage; and
j. revise the relevant sections of Part XIV to allow bicycles, e-bikes, scooters, inline skates, roller skates, and skateboards in areas where protected active transportation infrastructure does not exist.