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Churchill Square

The city seems to put a lot of effort and resources in building shiny new things to replace old run down things, but not much effort into maintaining them, so they also become run down very quickly.
Sounds like a municipality's version of being house poor.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the city spends on upkeep. I wonder how much is wasted removing graffiti, fixing broken street furniture, picking up garbage strewn all over the place, repairing damaged bus shelters and fixing all the damage from all the other sorts of vandalism we see in the city. I think we need to place the blame where it belongs. It belongs to all the creeps and losers and meth heads etc that vandalize and ruin all the attempts the city makes to beautify the downtown.
Reopened Centennial Plaza creates vibrant public space downtown​

June 28, 2024

Media are invited to join the Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages of Canada, Mayor Amarjeet Sohi, Councillor Anne Stevenson and community partners for the unveiling of the newly designed Centennial Plaza. Located in the heart of our downtown, this revitalization project has transformed Centennial Plaza into a more attractive, welcoming and accessible destination for Edmontonians and visitors.

With decorative lighting elements, art installation and new seating areas, Centennial Plaza will bring colour and vibrancy into our downtown core.

Date: Tuesday, July 2
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Centennial Plaza (Behind the Stanley A. Milner Library)

An Indigenous-led land blessing will open the media event, with programming and park space activation to follow.​
It's likely too late for this year's summer festivals, but I'm wondering if this plaza can be utilized for Churchill Square events such as Taste of Edmonton, Cariwest, etc starting in 2025?



