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Alberta Politics

But the Laurentians are and anyone who has a high political office is elite IMO and that includes all opposition MP's.

So I feel the question is not about kicking out the "elite", but replacing one elite with another, which is one reason why I find the populist bs about elites and where they are from so dishonest.
I was just responding to an imbecilic post with pedantry.

But what you say is pretty much correct with very rare exceptions.
There's our Ol' Smitty! Wining and dining a bunch of Southern Hillbilly Governors/Senators. It's almost embarrassing to look at this....looks like she's trying real hard not to S&@T her ball
Screenshot 2025-01-20 113548.png
Next phase of Red Deer hospital is about to be announced for Funding. Nothing I've heard has anything new for hospitals other than Stollery and I don't know it La Crete has been awarded yet.
Long story short ... basically its up to the voters. But as Leader of the Opposition and even more so if he becomes an MLA, he is going to have to spend some time in Edmonton. I don't think he can commute from Calgary daily.

So he will have to have a residence of some sort here, if he doesn't already.
Has anyone heard if Nenshi plans on making his home somewhere within the Edmonton Stratchcona riding?
From Nenshi's announcement post:

"This doesn’t mean I’m leaving Calgary behind! While still proudly Calgarian, I’m already dividing my time between the two cities and I’m looking forward to learning more about Edmonton."

All I've heard.
Danielle Smith saying “Let’s dial back the rhetoric” brings to mind the old credit card commercials where the punch line was “Priceless”!
Isn't it funny these days how often the worst abusers point fingers either vaguely in the direction of others or more pointedly so.
