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Search results

  1. crisp

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    Oh I agree, the design can work.... in a location far, faaaaar away from the Ice District. After the product we have gotten so far, this would just destroy the entire ebb and flow of the whole area.
  2. crisp

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    I can't comprehend how they thought it was even ok to put that rendering out through marketing.
  3. crisp

    Owning versus renting

    This is very true and something I do enjoy as well. I'll refine my opinion on condo purchase a little more.... I would not buy into an unbuilt development again.
  4. crisp

    Owning versus renting

    You missed my whole point though, major issues with condos happen in new buildings more often than issues with a new SFH. Your issue was with aging pipes, and I assume it didn't feel as frustrating knowing that you bought into possible aging problems as opposed to having to deal with problems in...
  5. crisp

    Owning versus renting

    Do you have to live in a hotel room for a couple of weeks because a pipe burst in the unit above you when you own a house? I am grateful it has not happened to me yet but in the 4 years in my condo, I've seen trades in the building cleaning up flooded floors a handful of times and it always...
  6. crisp

    Owning versus renting

    If you want to build equity I'd suggest buying a single-family home, duplex or something, and renting that out while you yourself rent an apartment in the desired community you want to live. I'm sure this has its own headaches it comes with but in my short experience of owning a condo, I...
  7. crisp

    The MacLaren | 85.04m | 27s | Edgar | DIALOG

    I'm guessing lots of people put more value in the exceptional amenities outside your own unit than I personally would myself. I remember doing a tour of Hendrix when it first opened and was quite baffled by the rental rates they charged for the shoeboxes they have. It was a hard no for me but it...
  8. crisp

    CNIB Redevelopment | 106m | 32s | ONE Properties | Wallman Architects

    J123 needs to get going.
  9. crisp

    The Mercury Block | 21.7m | 6s

    Not opposed to A&N starting first. The more development near Whyte/Garneau and Oliver, the more people realize how big Edmonton's footprint really is.
  10. crisp

    The Mercury Block | 21.7m | 6s

    Wow did not expect it to start already. As upset as I am about no brick, it is still going to be a great addition to the area. This is Edgar right? The only shitty thing about this commencement is that it most likely means the Shift project is pushed out even further.
  11. crisp

    Falcon Towers | 170m | 44s | Langham Developments | Arc Studio

    @thommyjo the podiums are not connected in the sense that you can walk through them from the inside if that is what you are getting at. There is simply a wall (cinder block I believe) that the second building was simply attached to for both Icon and Fox projects. If it was not feasible to build...
  12. crisp

    The Mercury Block | 21.7m | 6s

    On this week's episode of what grinds my gears.... Why the f*ck can't this project use brick for exterior? Why are developers in this city so reluctant to ever use brick? Is masonry, and labor of, ridiculously expensive in Edmonton alone? Are market prices and rental prices too low compared to...
  13. crisp

    Jasper House | 108m | ?s

    An all-black, light-eliminating, building would actually look pretty cool. The Galactic Empire would be proud.
  14. crisp

    Footprint Development | ?m | 6s | Landmark Homes | Next Architecture

    @archited what part of this is crap? The height? To me it says more European-sized building rather than slum. I'd prefer 10 to 15 storey mid rises with a higher FAR if we aren't getting a high rise, but 6 storeys isn't all too bad. The design? I can't read into that until we see better...
  15. crisp

    The Parks | 146.91m | 45s | 35s | 13s | Pangman | Hariri Pontarini

    I was a little too vague, my opinion was towards landowners/developers. You seem to agree here when you say the City should encourage a pedway, but will most likely not happen as the cost will be the responsibility of the landowner. As was the case with Southgate I presume. I also was not...
  16. crisp

    The Parks | 146.91m | 45s | 35s | 13s | Pangman | Hariri Pontarini

    Because the prevailing thought process in Edmonton is short-term cost-cutting rather than long-term value-adding.
  17. crisp

    Stadium Yards | ?m | 6s | Rohit Communities

    Was at the Canada world cup qualifiers and ngl Stadium Yards look real good. I hope all phases roll out quick and it spurs more adjacent develpment.
  18. crisp

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    ^^^^Are those pillars wrapped in the cheapest tiles you can possibly find at Home Depot?
  19. crisp

    Hat @ 122 | 35.96m | 12s | Cidex Group | NORR

    in 'light' of progress
  20. crisp

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    A pre-game beer garden or with mulled wine would be awesome.
