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Search results

  1. MattPT

    Maclab Garneau | Laurent | Eleanor | 98.14m | 30s | Maclab Development

    from lemarchand and high level
  2. MattPT

    Iron Horse Line / Station Park | ?m | 6s | Beljan Development | Hodgson Schilf Evans

    Curious what kind of tenamt mix in the pending spots. anyone know? Maybe going for Manchester square kind of vibe?
  3. MattPT

    WSP Place | ?m | 12s | ProCura Real Estate | Manasc Isaac

    Totally failed on accessibility (as most building do)… but otherwise I agree.
  4. MattPT

    Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

    Oh god. Hopeful posts of elevated track right after the multi year shitstorm of elevated track failure lol. Is there a west valley line maintenance facility just in case it’s operational before south?
  5. MattPT

    Edmonton International Airport (EIA/YEG)

    I don’t know why, but I took Icelandair leaving very personally. Never had a great experience at Keflavík, but I liked having the option… I also liked their planes and their meal options.
  6. MattPT

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    The banks will pay their lease in ATM withdrawal fees lol
  7. MattPT

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    wayne Gretzkys closed couple years back didn’t it? Only went there once…basically same level as Kelsey’s wasn’t it? Lol
  8. MattPT


    I love how 109 st south of the river Is just slowly plugging along. Nothing flashy, but slow/consistent development.
  9. MattPT

    Connect Centre | 56.3m | 16s | ONE Properties | DIALOG

    Worked in restaurants from 15 years old to 34(ish) and any openings I was ever involved with always had a soft opening or family/friends night. Issue was never usually service staff basics, but rather getting a large volume of people in and out quickly. I was also shocked they chose Saturday...
  10. MattPT

    Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

    This guy should, respectfully, piss off. He’s constantly repeating that the cost of land, District energy system, NetZero aspects, and lack of single-family homes are the reasons the neighbourhood is unaffordable/undesirable. If we get rid of the latter three items We’re just gonna build a...
  11. MattPT


    Coronation and The Edward
  12. MattPT

    Oliver Crossing | 21m | 7s

    They’ve painted some surfaces and added other textures/finishes. I’m definitely not saying it’s a great building, but it’s looking way better than it did at first.
  13. MattPT

    Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

    Just noticed, it has attached garages? But there is a ramp? So underground private garages I wonder? Neat feature, but there goes the affordability. Although, looks like they are fitting two units on to a plot that fits one elsewhere in the neighbourhood? So might even out.
  14. MattPT

    Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton pretty ugly and suburban looking… hopefully pricing matches
  15. MattPT

    Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.

    Surrounded is a bit of an exaggeration… just meant random options in Edmonton tower and bell tower and maybe HSBC (haven’t been there since the Renos)?… But isn’t city centre mall getting an expanded food court or something? maybe 3 minute walk?
  16. MattPT

    Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.

    Is another Food Court even necessary when they’re surrounded by fast food options and another food court across the road? Wouldn’t this have been a way better spot for another restaurant (or two) overlooking the plaza?
  17. MattPT

