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ICE Tower

I just got off the phone with a rep from Westrich regarding their new tower on the southeast corner of 103rd Avenue and 104th Street, calling on behalf of a client that I have who has a large operation adjacent to the Staples Center in Los Angeles and a soon-to-be 7,200 sq.ft. Night Club in Beverly Hills (our current project). The group is looking to potentially lease the entire 18,000 sq.ft. podium of the new ICE Tower, a rental project similar in scale to Westrich's Encore Tower one block south. The ICE Tower project is slated for completion about 2026/27. Concept plans and renderings will be forthcoming soon. I can't say more about the project until there is more information available for public consumption and the deal goes past the preliminary stage. This will be my client's first venture in Canada.

That storage place, I wouldn't mind seeing something different from it just being a ground facade. What if they just built a simple rectangle shape tower (same claddings as their two nearby), mirroring the storages' dimensions, at what ever decided height, then slap this facade structure right in the middle? The tower will be naturally narrower than the storage, so it will cost slightly more to accomodate the wider storage floor plate.
Turn that portion into a niche hotel/bed breakfast? A great way to capture attention...
Isn't the tower referred to here and being developed the one storey building on the south side of the street, not the former Storage warehouse?
For the approved surface parking permit

Reference ID:Job No 501214990-002
Description:Exterior Alteration, Demolition
Location:10246 - 104 STREET NW
Plan NB1 Blk 4 Lots 173-174
Applicant:607816 ALBERTA LTD., HENRY
Status:Intake Review
Create Date:2024-02-19T20:52:09Z
This is actually a very reasonable solution, the best revenue generating option to keep the existing building looking fairly much the same, until it is worthwhile to build a large building on the site.

So it should avoid what many including myself most dislike, tearing down an old under utilized building and replacing it with an ugly vacant lot or surface parking that is there for a long time if the project is delayed or does not go ahead.
Too much dithering... If Westrich had the gumption (and they control 3 corners of this intersection) they could create their own city-within-a-city (like Qualico's Switch). The possibility exists to develop over-street Pedway connections that would finally have some oomph in the City and that would really make this corner stand out (I wonder if they have eyes on the fourth corner). They could certainly tie into existing ICE infrastructure -- the market and other entertainment/eatery venues. A conversion of the existing warehouse building on the north-east corner of the intersection has the potential for some exciting hotel attributes and this is, after all, the north end of 104th street -- "most walkable street in the City". This collective site deserves the hiring of an architect that has "true vision" -- GEC is a local potential; Hariri Pontarini on the National level; my favorites --Zaha Hadid office, Heatherwick Studio, and Andrew Bromberg (sadly, I don't think anything near this level of talent would be under consideration, based on most recent performance).
