Just two weeks since our last update, and progress at 76 Group Co's Euro-themed Manchester Square shopping centre has continued to move along at breakneck speed. Designed by Gardner Architecture in a style reminiscent of Amsterdam's Old Town, the quixotically-named commercial development has captured the imaginations - and more than its fair share of critiques - of many a member of our Forum.
Currently speeding towards structural completion, the Disney-esque outdoor mall will eventually feature 20 separate retail bays, each adorned with its own Old World pastiche of Euro-inspired facadism. False fronts abound here, the two-storey development to appear much taller than it really is owing to a uniform wall of faux-finished sculptural facades.
Located upon the former stomping grounds of a Brick retail outlet at the corner of 120 St NW and 107 Ave NW, the massive development will fit comfortably within its quasi-suburban setting - the front of which will be defined by an ocean-sized parking lot. Arranged in a large "L" formation, the 20 retail bays will hug two sides of the parking lot, the latter to front directly onto the street.
Viewed by many as a missed opportunity, Manchester Square will nonetheless make its debut sometime next year, its unmistakable brand of corporate whimsy to set the tone of the neighbourhood for years to come.
SkyriseEdmonton will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.